Stop and restart an Application
This guide outlines the required steps to stop an application while on the Environments home screen in Environment Operations Center.
Only non-production applications can be stopped by users. To stop a production application, please contact Radiant Logic.
Select the application
From the environment home screen, locate the application you would like to stop from the list of applications. Go the specific application and, on the right top corner, click on the power icon.
From the list of options select STOP to stop the application.
When an application is stopped, no data is lost. The application can be started back to the state before it was stopped.
A pop up appears asking to confirm Stopping the application, click CONFIRM to stop the application, or click CANCEL to cancel the operation.
In the upper-right corner of the application overview page, a message indicates the application is being stopped.
When the application is successfully stopped, the status of the application changes to OFFLINE.
Start application
Starting an application is only available when an application has been created and stopped.
To start the selected application, click the power icon in the upper-right corner of the Overview page. From the options listed, click Start.
A message prompts you to confirm the Start application. Click Confirm to start the application, or to go back click Cancel.
A "Starting application" message displays on the application Overview page.
The process of starting an application may take up to 10 minutes.
After a successful restart of the application, status of the application turns to OPERATIONAL on the application Overview page.