Environment Operations Center v1.2.0 Release Notes
October 31, 2024
These release notes contain important information about new features, improvements and bug fixes for Environment Operations Center v1.2.0.
These release notes contain the following sections:
How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback
New Features
[CUI-1819]: Enabled Identity Analytics version update. There is an Update button for the IDA application and the user is able to see and update the application versions.
[CUI-1852, CUI-1972]: Added Read Only user role with read-only access. These users can see everything the Tenant Admin can see, to allow them to identify & troubleshoot outages and perform routine checks.
[CUI-1957]: Widgetized the sections in the Overview page to be able to edit and move the sections around.
[CUI-2005]: Added a Status tab to the Admin section that displays the statuses of all the internal services.
[CUI-863]: Improvement to show the current metric values when creating an alert.
[CT-883]: Improvement to support AWS Privatelink between customer AWS environments and Radiant Logic SaaS environments. Create a support ticket to have this configured for your tenant.
[CT-1080]: Improvement to display system metrics for main Identity Analytics services in single dashboard.
[CUI-1225]: Changed the emails triggered by Grafana alerts to be human-readable.
[CUI-1450]: Added <RLI_HOME>/logs/approvals_audit.log to EOC >
> LOGS so users can access the approvals_audit.log for the environment in EOC. -
[CUI-1743]: Added default alerts configured for Identity Data Management.
[CUI-1751]: The Identity Data Management Application Preview page now includes service details (Service Names and Status).
[CUI-1752]: Improvement to make the Identity Data Management table in the Application view collapsable.
[CUI-1795]: Enabled Delete and Restore functionality for IDA backups.
[CUI-1833]: Added EOC cluster, environment, and application names to email notifications.
[CUI-1847]: Changed status behavior so that if any of the Identity Analytics services are non-operational, the application state will change to “warning.”
[CUI-1849]: Implemented search functionality for Backups for Identity Analytics and Identity Data Management.
[CUI-1863]: Enabled custom alerts creation on the application details page.
[CUI-1864]: Enabled version history for Identity Analytics.
[CUI-1870]: Improved the left side menu and added Alerting and Logging tabs. Environments and Secure Data Connectors are now under Manage. Reporting, Alerting, Logging, Monitoring under Observe category.
[CUI-1866]: Added restart button for Identity Analytics application. Previously only Start and Stop were offered.
[CUI-1869]: Moved Authentication section from the Settings tab of the Admin page to be its own tab of the Admin page.
[CUI-1922]: Added alerts tab for Identity Analytics. The user is able to see the tab in the application details page.
[CUI-1926]: Added application version in the description when a new app is created.
[CUI-1927]: Improvement to append the application version to the application name displayed in the table when a new application is created, under the Tasks tab of the Admin section.
[CUI-1932]: When there are zero nodes, the Subscription widget on Overview page will show 'Not in current subscription' with a ? icon that shows additional details.
[CUI-1938]: Improvement to display the option to create a backup while updating Identity Data Management version.
[CUI-1966]: Ability for Tenant Admin to add/edit/delete Quick Links cards to Overview page. All users can choose four Quick Links to display on EOC Overview.
[CUI-1969, CUI-1981, SQ-162]: Enabled EOC users to be created with onmicrosoft.com email addresses. When the default domain onmicrosoft.com was used to provision EOC accounts a warning was displayed, which is now removed.
[CUI-1973]: Improvement to enable IP address based access to environments. Create a support ticket to have this configured for your tenant.
[CUI-1977]: Enabled alert emails to be sent to multiple emails.
[CUI-1978]: Added a Search bar where Alerts can be searchable by name.
[CUI-1979]: Improvement to prevent backup file names from including invalid characters.
[CUI-1985]: Added a "New" tag to the application version when creating a new application, for a 2 week period since the new versions are introduced.
[CUI-1991]: Enabled Identity Data Management 8.1.0 to restart all services in the application.
[CUI-2003]: Added new services (Git Sync, Data Ingestion, and Data Extractor) to the Identity Analytics details page.
[CUI-2004]: Renamed OIDC to Google for the OIDC Provider configuration in Admin > Settings > Authentication > New Provider.
[CUI-2014]: Enabled Activity Log to be filtered by Status in the Admin section and display actual status of services in application overview page and status tab of Admin page.
Bug Fixes
[CUI-1845]: Fixed an issue with alerts not being created when creating a new application in an existing environment.
[CUI-1846]: Fixed an issue with existing alert rules getting deleted when a new application is created.
[CUI-1923]: Fixed an issue with displaying Identity Analytics logs.
[CUI-1933]: Fixed an issue during Environment creation with the Advanced Setup toggle staying enabled when it should be disabled.
[CUI-1936, CUI-1962]: Fixed an issue with the alert state not getting updated from Grafana.
[CUI-1950]: Fixed an issue displaying an error message when creating and editing slack integration with an invalid URL.
[CUI-1975]: Fixed an issue with Identity Data Management backup files disappearing from Backups tab.
[CUI-1981, SQ-192]: Fixed an issue with EOC treating email addresses with uppercase letters as invalid.
[CUI-1982]: Fixed a timeout issue with Identity Data Management for API endpoints that take longer than 30 seconds to respond.
[CUI-2019]: Fixed an issue with removing the Official version from the Admin settings release channel and added a warning that Official version cannot be removed.
Known Issues/Important Notes
For known issues reported after the release, please see the Radiant Logic Knowledge Base:
How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback
Feedback and problems can be reported from the Support Center/Knowledge Base accessible from: https://support.radiantlogic.com
If you do not have a user ID and password to access the site, please contact: [email protected].