iGRCanalytics archived versions
Download archive
Please navigate to one of the following links to download the desired version of the product:
You will need to create an account to access the files (see here). There is not an FTP site to access these files. If your organization does not allow access to Sharefile, please reach out to the Radiant Logic support team and provide an organizationally approved location where we can upload the relevant files.
Third party driver installation
For legal reasons the oracle and Microsoft SQL server drivers have been removed from the installation bundle.
Please refer to the following pages for information on how to download and install the drivers :
Activiti update
Please be aware that as of version 2016 R2 SP12
of the product the version of the Activiti engine used for workflows has been upgraded to Activiti 5.21. Please check the version of Activiti used if you are upgrading the product from a version previous to 2016 R2 SP12
See here for more information.
Before performing any maintenance operation on any of your databases schemas please perform a backup of your ledger and Activiti schemas.
See here for more information on how to check the integrity of your download.
Identity Analytics is provided without any support on Linux. Linux deployment should be used only for data loading automation through the "Batch" mode and for deploying the web application. The configuration performed through Identity Analytics should be made under a Microsoft Windows environment.