

Publish the Dashboard

Once your dashboard is ready, and you are satisfied with its content, you can publish it to a selection of people inside your organization.

A dashboard can be in either of the publication states:

  • private : only visible and editable by its author
  • published : visible and editable by its author and visible by selected people

A newly created dashboard is private by default. To publish it, do the following:

  • the dashboard is private by default.
  • Select Publish... from the dashboard menu , to open the publication tab of the dashboard configuration wizard
  • Select a rule from the Publish for list of rules. Only portal-enabled rules targeting identities will be displayed.
  • Click the Test button to verify that the rule retrieves the intended identities.
  • Click Finish to make the dashboard public.
  • Additionally, you may notify the dashboard recipients of the newly added dashboard.

To publish minor changes to an existing dashboard :

  • Edit the dashboard
  • Make the changes
  • Save the dashboard, changes are made available to its current recipient list.

To publish major changes to an existing dashboard:

  • Select Unpublish from the dashboard menu. It's recommended to make the dashboard private during the changes, until it's in a consistent state.

During the changes, the dashboard may disappear from users displays if they log out or reload their configuration.

  • Make all your changes, you can Save the dashboard as often as you like, changes won't be visible to users.
  • Once you are done with the changes, select the Publish menu item, the dashboard will be published again to the same recipients.
  • Additionally, you may notify the dashboard recipients of the changes.