

Database configuration information

Minimal rights

Following you will find the minimal rights to be associated to the database users that are necessary to use the product. These include the rights to be allocated for:

  • The ledger schema: i.e. igrc
  • The workflow schema: i.e. activiti

You will also find included SQL scripts that are used by Radiant Logic Support Services and can be used as examples to create the databases on the different platforms.

Microsoft SQL Server

MS SQL Scripts

When creating the database using Microsoft the required minimal rights are:

  • For the ledger database:
GRANT ALTER TO igrc_user ;
GRANT ALTER ON SCHEMA :: igrc_schema TO igrc_user ;
GRANT INSERT ON SCHEMA :: igrc_schema TO igrc_user ;
GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA :: igrc_schema TO igrc_user ;
GRANT DELETE ON SCHEMA :: igrc_schema TO igrc_user ;
GRANT REFERENCES ON SCHEMA :: igrc_schema TO igrc_user ;
GRANT UPDATE ON SCHEMA :: igrc_schema TO igrc_user ;
  • For the workflow database:
GRANT CREATE TABLE TO activiti_user ;
GRANT ALTER ON SCHEMA :: activiti_schema TO activiti_user ;
GRANT REFERENCES ON SCHEMA :: activiti_schema TO activiti_user ;
GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA :: activiti_schema to activiti_user ;
GRANT UPDATE ON SCHEMA :: activiti_schema to activiti_user ;
GRANT INSERT ON SCHEMA :: activiti_schema to activiti_user ;
GRANT DELETE ON SCHEMA :: activiti_schema to activiti_user ;

As such, once the database is created and initialized it is possible to revoke the permission.

The following script allows you to create the ledger and workflow database.
Before using the script please remember to change the necessary information such as:

  • The name of the database
  • The path to Microsoft SQL Server data and log files
  • The initial size, growth rate of the data and log files
  • The names of the users (optional)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Copyright Radiant Logic 2017
-- Date: 04/2017
-- SAMPLE not to be used as is
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

USE master;

DECLARE @dbName varchar(255) ;
DECLARE @sql varchar(255) ;

SET @dbName = '<SCHEMA NAME>' ;

-- Delete the declared database if it exists
IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE name = @dbName )
    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_database_backuphistory @database_name = @dbName ;
    USE [master]
    USE [master]
    exec('DROP DATABASE ['+@dbName+']') ;

-- Create the new database
exec('CREATE DATABASE '+@dbName+'
( NAME = N'''+@dbName+'-01-dat'', FILENAME = ''<PATH TO DATA FILES>'+@dbName+'-01-dat.mdf'', SIZE = 5GB, FILEGROWTH = 10% )
( NAME = N'''+@dbName+'_01_log'', FILENAME = ''<PATH TO LOG FILES>'+@dbName+'-01-log.ldf'', SIZE = 2GB, FILEGROWTH = 10%, MAXSIZE = 5GB ) ;
-- Change the database recovery model
exec('IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.filegroups WHERE is_default=1 AND name = N''PRIMARY'') ALTER DATABASE ['+@dbName+'] MODIFY FILEGROUP [PRIMARY] DEFAULT') ;

--Create the Schemas
SET @sql = 'exec '+ QUOTENAME(@dbName) + '..sp_executesql N''CREATE SCHEMA igrc AUTHORIZATION dbo '''
exec (@sql)
SET @sql = 'exec '+ QUOTENAME(@dbName) + '..sp_executesql N''CREATE SCHEMA activiti AUTHORIZATION dbo '''
exec (@sql)

-- Create Users and schema for igrc and activiti
EXEC('USE '+@dbName+';
    GRANT ALTER TO igrc ;
    GRANT ALTER ON SCHEMA :: igrc TO igrc ;
    GRANT INSERT ON SCHEMA :: igrc TO igrc ;
    GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA :: igrc TO igrc ;
    GRANT DELETE ON SCHEMA :: igrc TO igrc ;
    GRANT UPDATE ON SCHEMA :: igrc TO igrc ;
    CREATE USER activiti FOR LOGIN activiti WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = activiti ;
    GRANT CREATE TABLE TO activiti ;
    GRANT ALTER ON SCHEMA :: activiti TO activiti ;
    GRANT REFERENCES ON SCHEMA :: activiti TO activiti ;
    GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA :: activiti to activiti ;
    GRANT UPDATE ON SCHEMA :: activiti to activiti ;
    GRANT INSERT ON SCHEMA :: activiti to activiti ;
    GRANT DELETE ON SCHEMA :: activiti to activiti ;')

-- Multi-thread


It is also possible to declare a Read-Only User. This user will only be able to read the ledger data from the studio, but will not be able to modify the data.
You will find following an example in the following script, using database demo2016:

USE [master]
CREATE LOGIN [<Login name>] WITH PASSWORD=N'<Password>', DEFAULT_DATABASE=[<Ledger database name>]

USE [<Ledger database name>]
CREATE USER [<User name>] FOR LOGIN [<Login name>]
ALTER USER [<User name>] WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=[<schema name>]
ALTER ROLE [db_datareader] ADD MEMBER [<User name>]


Launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your MSSQL Server instance.

  1. Create a new database
    1. In the Object Explorer, right click on the Databases folder and select New Database...
    MSSQL New Database... 2. In the General tab, set the Database name (for example igrc_sample_db) MSSQL Database name 3. In the Options tab, set the Recovery model to Simple MSSQL Recovery mode 4. Close the dialog
  2. Create a new user for the Ledger tables in the database
    1. In the Object Explorer, right click on the Security > Logins folder and select New Login...
    MSSQL new login 2. In the General tab, set the Login name (for example sample_user_ledger), set a Password (ideally a strong one that matches the policy), and select as the Default database the one created above (igrc_sample_db) MSSQL new user 3. In the User Mapping tab, select the database created earlier (igrc_sample_db), and choose a default schema (igrc by default), and select the db_owner role MSSQL ledger user schema 4. Close the dialog
  3. Create a new user for the Workflow tables in the database (aka activiti)
    1. In the Object Explorer, right click on the Security > Logins folder and select New Login...
    MSSQL new login 2. In the General tab, set the Login name (for example sample_user_workflow), set a Password (ideally a strong one that matches the policy), and select as the Default database the one created above (igrc_sample_db) MSSQL new workflow user 3. In the User Mapping tab, select the database created earlier (igrc_sample_db), and choose a default schema (activiti by default), and select the db_owner role MSSQL ledger user schema 4. Close the dialog


Database creation

If the database was not created upon installation of the database engine please follow these steps to create the database. Run the program "Database configuration Assistant" in the oracle installation home folder of the launch menu.This will open a wizard :

  1. Select the Create a database radio button and then click next

Create and oracle database 2. Select the Advanced configuration radio button and click next 3. Select the Custom database template and click next Custom database 4. Rename the database according to your context (in the followning example igrc) and uncheck the tickbox to Create as a container database. Then click next Database identification 5. Select the second radio button to define the database storage options and click next
Database storage options 6. Click next without selecting a Fast recovery option Fast recovery options 7. If required create a new listener and click next Listner 8. Keep all components selected by default and click next 9. The configuration options is used to specify the following elements. It is recommended to keep the default values if you are un certain on what parameters to use

  1. The allocated memory (SAG, PGA)

Memory configuration 2. The database sizing Sizing 3. The database character sets Character sets 4. the connection mode
Connection mode 5. The sample schemas, it is recommended not to install the sample schemas 10. In the management option, if desired you can configure by default the Enterprise Manager (EM) Database Express. We suggest using the default configuration 11. Then configure the Passwords of the SYS and SYSTEM user accounts. The same password can be used for both accounts using teh second option. It is highly recommended to use a secure password when configuring the database Password configuration 12. Create the database with the default values Creation options 13. A summary is displayed. If satisfied with the configuration click finish. Once the installation is finish you can close the wizard Summary

Oracle SQL Scripts

For oracle the minimal rights for the ledger and workflow users are identical. They are as following, assuming the user in igrc:

grant connect to igrc ;
grant create session to igrc ;
grant alter session to igrc ;
grant create table to igrc ;
grant create sequence igrc ;
grant create trigger to igrc ;
create view to igrc ;
grant unlimited tablespace to igrc ;

The following script allows you to create the ledger and workflow database.
Before using the script please remember to change the necessary information such as:

  • The name of the user
  • The path for oracles datafiles
  • The size of the datafile
  • The passwords
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Copyright Radiant Logic 2017
-- Date: 04/2017
-- SAMPLE not to be used as is
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

define schema = 'igrc'

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Drop previous user if already exist (Allow to reuse the same script)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
whenever sqlerror continue NONE
drop user &schema cascade;
drop tablespace "&schema._DATA" including contents cascade constraints;
-- ---------------------------------------
-- Creation &schema schema FOR the ledger
-- ---------------------------------------
-- Exits if an SQL command generates an error or if an operating system occurs
whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback
whenever oserror exit failure rollback
create tablespace "&schema._DATA"
  datafile '<PATH TO DATA FILE>\&schema._DATA01.dbf' SIZE 5G reuse
  autoextend on
  extent management local autoallocate
  segment space management auto online;

create user &schema identified by igrc
default tablespace "&schema._DATA"
temporary tablespace TEMP;

grant connect, create session, alter session, create table, create sequence, create trigger, create view to &schema ;
grant unlimited tablespace to &schema ;

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Drop previous user if already exist (Allow to reuse the same script)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
whenever sqlerror continue NONE
drop user "&schema._ACT" cascade;
drop tablespace "&schema._ACT_DATA" including contents cascade constraints;
-- ------------------------------------
-- Creation "&schema._ACT" schema for ACTIVITI
-- ------------------------------------
-- Exits if an SQL command generates an error or if an operating system occurs
whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback
whenever oserror exit failure rollback
create tablespace "&schema._ACT_DATA"
  datafile '<PATH TO DATA FILE>\&schema._ACT_DATA01.dbf' SIZE 1G reuse
  autoextend on
  extent management local autoallocate
  segment space management auto online;

create user "&schema._ACT" identified by activiti
default tablespace "&schema._ACT_DATA"
temporary tablespace TEMP;

grant connect, create session, alter session, create table, create sequence, create trigger, create view to "&schema._ACT" ;
grant unlimited tablespace to "&schema._ACT" ;

Oracle GUI

Before creating your Schema please download the latest version of SQL:

Once installed you can follow these steps :

  1. Create a new connection profile using the system account to your database by providing the correct Hostname, port and SID

New connection profile Connnection profile configuration 2. Create a new user/schema for both the ledger and the activiti user respectively by right clicking on the Other user element of connection profile
New User

  1. Configure the User Name and password as well as the Default Tablespace (USERS) and Temporary Tablespace (TEMP)

User configuration 2. Configure the roles. The minimum requirements are CONNECT and RESOURCE Granted role 3. Configure the system privileges. The minimum requirements are : - create session - alter session - create table - create sequence - create trigger
- create view System priveleges 4. Configure the quotas on the tablespace: Quotas 3. Click on apply to create the configured user


PostgreSQL Scripts

In PostgreSQL a role such as igrc or activiti can connect to the database.
Implicitly the role has the right to create all objects in his own schema (view, tables, indexes, ...). The role is not a superuser and as a result has no administrative rights. The user cannot create databases and roles, he cannot modify the system catalog.

The following script allows you to create the ledger and workflow database.
Before using the script please remember to change the necessary information such as:

  • The name of the user
  • The path to the tablespace
  • The passwords
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Copyright Radiant Logic 2017
-- Date: 04/2017
-- SAMPLE not to be used as is

-- Execute this script inside psql session as following:
-- psql -U postgres -f <ABSOLUTE PATH TO FILE>\PostgresCreatedatabaseigrc.sql
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Create user and password

-- Create a dedicated tablespace
-- WARNING: The directory specified must be an existing, empty directory owned by the PostgreSQL operating system user)
CREATE TABLESPACE igrc OWNER igrc LOCATION '/data/Base_igrc';

-- Create Database in specifying the owner and the tablespace

-- Connect to igrc database to create the schema
\c igrc

-- Create Schema

-- Option BW : Activiti (Workflow)

CREATE USER activiti WITH PASSWORD 'activiti';

PostgreSQL GUI

Launch pgAdmin and connect to your PostgreSQL Server instance.

  1. Create a new user for the Ledger tables in the database
    1. Right click on Login/Group Roles, select Create > Login/Group Role...
    PostgreSQL create user 2. In the General tab, choose the Name of the user (for example sample_user_ledger) PostgreSQL set user name 3. In the Definition tab, set a Password for the user PostgreSQL set user password 4. In the Privileges tab, check the Can login? option PostgreSQL allow user login 5. Close the Dialog by clicking Save
  2. Create a new user for the Workflow tables in the database (aka activiti)
    1. Right click on the Login/Group Roles, select Create > Login/Group Role...
    PostgreSQL create user 2. In the General tab, choose the Name of the user (for example sample_user_workflow) PostgreSQL set user name 3. In the Definition tab, set a Password for the user PostgreSQL set user password 4. In the Privileges tab, check the Can login? option PostgreSQL allow user login 5. Close the Dialog by clicking Save
  3. Create a new database
    1. Right click on Databases, select Create > Database...
    PostgreSQL create database 2. Set the database name (for example igrc_sample_db) PostgreSQL set database name 3. Not mandatory, but it is recommended to change the default database owner from postgres to another user. You can keep it as is, or set to the ledger user for instance (sample_user_ledger) 4. Close the Dialog by clicking Save
  4. Create a new Ledger schema
    1. Navigate to the Schemas of the new database (igrc_sample_db)
    2. Right click the Schemas, then select Create > Schema...
    PostgreSQL new schema 3. Set the Ledger schema name (default is igrc), and select the ledger user (sample_user_ledger) as the Owner PostgreSQL choose schema name and owner
  5. Create a new Workflow schema
    1. Navigate to the Schemas of the new database (igrc_sample_db)
    2. Right click the Schemas, then select Create > Schema...
    PostgreSQL new schema 3. Set the Ledger schema name (default is activiti), and select the workflow user (sample_user_workflow) as the Owner PostgreSQL choose schema name and owner 4. Close the Dialog by clicking Save
  6. Set the search_path for the ledger user
    1. Right click on the ledger user (sample_user_ledger), select Properties
    PostgreSQL user properties 2. In the Parameters tab, click on + to add a parameter 3. Select the search_path parameter, set the ledger schema as the value (igrc), and select the new database (igrc_sample_db) PostgreSQL set ledger search path 4. Close the Dialog by clicking Save
  7. Set the search_path for the workflow user
    1. Right click on the workflow user (sample_user_workflow), select Properties
    PostgreSQL user properties 2. In the Parameters tab, click on + to add a parameter 3. Select the search_path parameter, set the workflow schema as the value (activiti), and select the new database (igrc_sample_db) PostgreSQL set workflow search path 4. Close the Dialog by clicking Save