Variable objects are declared in the Variables block of a Page. Their scope is limited to the page where they are defined.
They are similar to the parameters with the difference that they are not handled by the parameter editor and they cannot receive values from the link activating the page. Unlike parameters their value can be modified as many times as needed.
Variables can be mono-valued or multi-valued and can support different value types.
Variables are commonly used to share information from one widget to another. They are usually linked to one or more widgets. Each widget support variables in different ways. For example a table widget supports the use of variables to store information about the selected item.
A simple example
/* Import other pages here */
import "/webportal/pages/resources/"
/* Nationalized labels here */
identityFinderNLS = NLS {
title [en "Custom Identity Finder"]
params.organisation [en "Organisation"]
params.organisation.tooltip [en "Filter by organisation"]
identityFinder = Page {
title: $identityFinderNLS.title
homepage-for: All priority 200
/* Parameters here */
/* Variables here */
selectedIdentityUid = Variable {
type: String
multivalued: False
/* Datasets and records here */
/* Page content */
Mandatory attributes are marked in bold.
type defines the type of value that will be stored (Boolean , Date, Integer or String ).
multivalued defines if the parameter will only receive 1 value or many.
initial is the initial value of the variable. It can be a constant value, or the value of a parameter.
If not specified, a variable is of type 'String', not multivalued and empty ('') by default.
More examples
var1 = Variable {
type: Integer
initial: 1
var1 = Variable {
type: String
initial: "some chars..."
var1 = Variable {
var1 = Variable {
var1 = Variable {
initial:Date.offset(5 days).valueLDAP
var1 = Variable {
type: String
multivalued: True
initial: ["A", "A", "B", "C", "C", "D"]
var1 = Variable {
type: Integer
multivalued: True
initial: [1, 2, 5, 4, 4]
var1 = Variable {
type: Boolean
multivalued: True
initial: [True, False, True, True]
var1 = Variable {
Date.offset(-5 days).valueLDAP,
Date.offset(5 days).valueLDAP]
With parameters
param1 = Parameter {
type: String
mandatory: False
multivalued: True
var1 = Variable {
type: String
multivalued: True
initial: param1
Binding variables
The Identity Analytics page engine takes care of propagating all changes automatically.
This means that when a variable value changes, all other changes are operated with in waterfall manner, including GUI refresh.
This is a powerful feature as you don't have to care for GUI refreshes, this is done automatically, you just have to deal with your variables.
Here is a simple example:
myvar = Variable
Edit {
label:"Enter a text"
Text {
label:"Here is your text"
As you can see, when you type something on the edit field, it updates the variable 'myvar'. As this variable is displayed with a text widget, the text widget content is updated on the fly.