

Identity Analytics 2.x Release Notes

IAP 2.0

  • BWIPUAR-1505: [PAM] PAM Booster roles-features-menuitem integration in IAP
  • BWIPUAR-1551: accounts review - offline: the downloaded file is empty
  • BWIPUAR-1571: missing views in SOD pages
  • BWIPUAR-1579: Reviews - If NO Default reviewer is specified, the preview review data returns 0 records
  • BWIPUAR-1598: PamPGM and PamCiso roles allows to see all Entities in Search
  • BWIPUAR-1617: Analysis: identify technical workflows in IAP to improve delegation
  • BWIPUAR-1095: Shared dashboard to managers are not shared
  • BWIPUAR-1320: ACC38 is not included in Execution Plan
  • BWIPUAR-1501: Mails to delegates might not been sent
  • BWIPUAR-1519: Refactor IAP detail dialog box to allow for dialog box overriding
  • BWIPUAR-1524: [REVIEW] Add "advanced" reviewer mode for account based review
  • BWIPUAR-1533: Issue while creating and updating global roles
  • BWIPUAR-1569: Right Review: Downloaded file doesn't contain already reviewed entries status
  • BWIPUAR-1610: Control Browser: Execute control button is not working anymore
  • BWIPUAR-1623: Send notifications to delegatees in iap reviews
  • BWIPUAR-1657: At the end of the creation of global role, the list of people in role is empty and also the criteria for identities column.
  • BWIPUAR-1658: When you edit a global role, at the end of the modification (click on finish), this one is deleted (no more in the list of global roles)
  • BWIPUAR-1684: Delete "Download Compliance Report" for Role Mining Campaigns
  • BWIPUAR-1713: Display bug in crosstab format. The last line is not displayed by default. Need a refresh
  • BWIPUAR-1715: Total percentage in progress bar can exceed 100%
  • BWIPUAR-1716: updating entries with filtering is ambiguous
  • BWIPUAR-1582: Review - Allow to display (without vertical scrollbar) the complete list of managers when we have BO, TO et Reviewer managers
  • BWIPUAR-1613: In the search application, the "Which tag" search appears twice in the list
  • BWIPUAR-1685: Documentation: Replace Brainwave reference to Radiant one
  • BWIPUAR-1695: The previously used review comment applied is selected by default in the combo box
  • BWIPUAR-1730: Problem displaying "/" character for "Job/Organization"
  • BWIPUAR-909: Add the possibility to perform offline reviews for account repositories
  • BWIPUAR-1092: Repository Controls dashboard - "Active accounts history" graph is incorrect
  • BWIPUAR-1217: As a campaign owner I want to configure a campaign with ad-hoc reviewers strategies
  • BWIPUAR-1235: Adding a control in the Control Browser is not visible without reloading the page or closing/opening the Control Browser. The refresh is not sufficient.
  • BWIPUAR-1239: Ambiguous controls (REV)
  • BWIPUAR-1240: Provide a unified UI for access review from a end user perspective
  • BWIPUAR-1244: Update integration guide with new controls names/descriptions
  • BWIPUAR-1280: [REVIEW] Set owners as "Reviewer"
  • BWIPUAR-1301: [REVIEW] Access360 - Reviewer Pending Review List
  • BWIPUAR-1429: Identities belonging to several organisations are always displayed as New in reports
  • BWIPUAR-1450: [REVIEW] Access360 - Reviewer Pending Custom Review List (based on Workflow engine)
  • BWIPUAR-1451: [REVIEW] Access360 - Reviewer UI - Analytics - List of Reviewed Entries
  • BWIPUAR-1489: Delete bw_cloud_roleminig folder from reconciliation folder
  • BWIPUAR-1503: HR11 does not filter on internal identities
  • BWIPUAR-1504: [PAM] PAM Booster collect integration in IAP
  • BWIPUAR-1507: [PAM] PAM Booster search, details and dialog pages for Vault, Safes, Credentials, CyberArk Users
  • BWIPUAR-1508: [PAM] PAM Booster analytics dashboards integration in IAP
  • BWIPUAR-1509: [PAM] PAM Booster safe analytics reports integration in IAP
  • BWIPUAR-1510: [PAM] PAM Booster home page integration in IAP
  • BWIPUAR-1516: [REVIEW] Access360 - Reviewer Offline Mode
  • BWIPUAR-1517: [PAM] Safe User Access Review
  • BWIPUAR-1521: [PAM] PAM Booster Safe Owner Report Subscription in IAP
  • BWIPUAR-1522: [REVIEW] Add a button to manage escalation for the campaign owner
  • BWIPUAR-1525: [REVIEW] In advanced review mode, add some custom attributes to ease the decision making
  • BWIPUAR-1528: PAM Booster Integration in IAP
  • BWIPUAR-1530: My Access 360 - The tooltip for "Reviews" tab should be "Actives reviews" and not "Entries to be reviewed"
  • BWIPUAR-1531: In "my 360 Access", layout problems if several reviews in progress
  • BWIPUAR-1532: Download and upload buttons are not displayed in my offline review
  • BWIPUAR-1535: [REVIEW] Grouped list review does not highlight grouped grouped lines anymore
  • BWIPUAR-1539: Change BrainwaveGRC logo to BrainwaveGRCRadiantLogic logo
  • BWIPUAR-1543: RM - display issue when there are no selected role in review (detail panel)
  • BWIPUAR-1547: PAM Booster Documentation
  • BWIPUAR-1548: PAM Booster CyberArk Data Extraction and Collect Add-On
  • BWIPUAR-1549: PAM Booster Control Browser
  • BWIPUAR-1550: PAM Booster Technical Admin Interface
  • BWIPUAR-1554: Export/import of global roles is broken
  • BWIPUAR-1557: PAM Booster Bug in Mashup Dashboard Sharing
  • BWIPUAR-1561: Refine default account reconciliation rules
  • BWIPUAR-1562: In Role Mining Admin, hide ticket panel if no role tickets are found
  • BWIPUAR-1566: Role Mining: Import Role dialog inconsistency
  • BWIPUAR-1568: Restrict capabilities based on new Product Lines Observability, Governance, Compliance
  • BWIPUAR-1570: PAM Booster LDAP Data Extraction and Collect Add-On
  • BWIPUAR-1572: Applications in common identity search analytics
  • BWIPUAR-1575: PAM: Add new features link to the new license in all PAM Booster components
  • BWIPUAR-1578: [REVIEW] Set owners as "Reviewer" for Safe Access Review
  • BWIPUAR-1580: Reviews - The filter on the preview review data is not working properly
  • BWIPUAR-1581: Reviews - For Accounts or apps reviews, the list box allowing to filter on the reviewer is incomplete.
  • BWIPUAR-1583: Cannot edit tags on ActiveDirectory repository details page
  • BWIPUAR-1584: Disable links in Accounts Review Management page
  • BWIPUAR-1585: Enable links In Account Review management page
  • BWIPUAR-1599: Managed Resources tab does not display the correct expertise domain list normally existing
  • BWIPUAR-1604: From the control results for safes type filter, from the "impact" tab (in the detail of number of discrepancies), the "application name" refers to a Safe. Type mismatch
  • BWIPUAR-1608: Role Mining - UI - Summary of the Role Mining by Organisation - Missing or excessive information.
  • BWIPUAR-1611: Control Browser: When we click on "Add control" button, we have "No new control available" (Probably in the continuity of BWIPUAR-1610)
  • BWIPUAR-1612: In "Safe Right Review Compliance Status", the filter by safe tag doesn't work
  • BWIPUAR-1614: "Administration Home Page". Click on "R&D" in "Top most risky organisations" causes an error in the portal log (and so no results in the portal)
  • BWIPUAR-1616: Access360 - Account detail - Groups tab -> The message "Account does not have groups" is incorrect (it's just due to a bad initialisation of the listbox).
  • BWIPUAR-1620: A description is missing for this report "Managed shares access rights analysis"
  • BWIPUAR-1621: "Managed Resources" tab (My 360° Access) does not contain managed safes resources
  • BWIPUAR-1626: RM: Global Roles Management - "People in Role" empty after new timeslot
  • BWIPUAR-1634: For Safes search, there is no possibility to search by tag
  • BWIPUAR-1638: Change Brainwave to Radiant Logic in IAP
  • BWIPUAR-1644: PAM activate controls and metadata and fill the expression with the related license and config variable
  • BWIPUAR-1646: [REVIEW] New REACT Reviewer Interface for Application Rights
  • BWIPUAR-1648: [REVIEW] New REACT Reviewer Interface for Repository Accounts
  • BWIPUAR-1649: [REVIEW] New REACT Reviewer Interface for CyberArk Safe Permissions
  • BWIPUAR-1650: [REVIEW] Update UAR documentation with new Access360 and Review interfaces
  • BWIPUAR-1652: [REVIEW] Orphaned Accounts selection does'nt work when "Grouped by Identity"
  • BWIPUAR-1653: [REVIEW] Missing column in reviewer table "Service Account"
  • BWIPUAR-1654: [REVIEW] Display bug of the progress bar when one of the "approve" or "revoke" kpi is null
  • BWIPUAR-1656: Re-enable links in Accounts Review Management page
  • BWIPUAR-1659: [REVIEW] Update NLS in french for new review UI
  • BWIPUAR-1663: Sort and Filter
  • BWIPUAR-1664: Allow to freeze columns in the review tables
  • BWIPUAR-1665: [REVIEW] UI fix colors for risk score
  • BWIPUAR-1666: [REVIEW] missing tabs in the Identity dialog box
  • BWIPUAR-1667: [REVIEW] Bug in the refresh of the page and when sorted entries on status column
  • BWIPUAR-1669: Role Mining - activate metadata and fill the expression with the related license and config variable
  • BWIPUAR-1670: [REVIEW] Ability to add comment for all entries whatever their status
  • BWIPUAR-1672: We can't set a comment on a selected login if this one wat not yet reviewed. Nevertheless, we can do a bulk comment on several login not yet reviewed
  • BWIPUAR-1679: Crosstab Export XLSX does not work when there is only one column dimension
  • BWIPUAR-1681: Change Brainwave Logo in Reports
  • BWIPUAR-1683: Review page: final congratulations message is missing when all entries are reviewed
  • BWIPUAR-1706: Table advanced filter optimization
  • BWIPUAR-1710: Display the number of entries for license check
  • BWIPUAR-1714: The completion percentage is superior to 100%
  • BWIPUAR-1720: IAP 2.0 - Update the "Revision history" in the descriptions (EN & FR)
  • BWIPUAR-1727: When you switch in crosstab view, the horizontal scrollbar is missing
  • BWIPUAR-1729: Add links to resources in crosstab reviews...
  • BWIPUAR-1731: Patch the .gitignore file in the pipeline to comment out the line related to js_app
  • BWIPUAR-1538: Campainid parameter is missing in view bwaccess360_applicationaccessrightscampaignname


  • IAP 2.0