BWIPUAR-1075: Add new controls to detect people with several accounts on the same systems
BWIPUAR-1076: As a brainwave developer I want an easier way to query for the LATEST review status of a given account/access right
BWIPUAR-1077: Sorting on the "reconciliation rule" column does not seem to work.
BWIPUAR-1079: Typo error in all "" files
BWIPUAR-1080: Problem of navigation in the "bulk personal" action when you cancel the identity selection dailog box
BWIPUAR-1082: In the list of leavers, filter "SETUP" of the selection.
BWIPUAR-1083: The title of the dialog box does not match the action selected for 'bulk technical"
BWIPUAR-1084: Regression - refreshPendingRecon no longer exists
BWIPUAR-1086: Perf issues on recon management page
BWIPUAR-1088: HR Controls dashboard - The organisation filter is not working
BWIPUAR-1090: Dashboard Application control - User accounts reactivated - The rule is incorrect. It would be more like "being in discrepancy of controls which name is ACC27"
BWIPUAR-1093: Portaluar_linemanagers returns all types of managers
BWIPUAR-1097: Missing translation key import.error_author in com.brainwave.isaudit.database.mashup.nls.MashupNLS
BWIPUAR-1098: Update documentation for new roles and perimeters
BWIPUAR-1099: Update documentation with new controls
BWIPUAR-1100: Inconsistency between search pages and controls regarding active identities
BWIPUAR-1103: Typo in My Team HR Controls Dashboard
BWIPUAR-1107: Control browser - The "Clear" action does not take into account the "Show control with discrepancies only" selection.
BWIPUAR-1108: Control browser - Information is truncated on the "Info" right section. Mainly for Name and description of control
BWIPUAR-1109: Control browser - When sorting the "Discrepancies" column, the "0" values are not ordered correctly.
BWIPUAR-1111: Control Browser - NLS for "All discrepancies"
BWIPUAR-1112: Control browser - Status of remediation set to "null" when no remediation is done
BWIPUAR-1113: What is behind the "Share" flag?
BWIPUAR-1114: Control Browser - The multiple remediation request from the deviation list does not work properly.
BWIPUAR-1116: HR Controls Dashboard - HR16-19 control names
BWIPUAR-1119: Control Browser - Filter identities on jobs - List populate with only "Account Coordinator" job
BWIPUAR-1122: Control Browser - Delete the checkboxes for entities for which there is no remediation possible.
BWIPUAR-1124: Control Browser - The number of discrepancies is truncated.
BWIPUAR-1128: Admin home page - The link to "browse my analytics" should should be directly on "Analytics" tab of the My 360 Access page
BWIPUAR-1129: The new "Account / rights review compliance status" pages are not nationalized
BWIPUAR-1130: Add new account controls for data quality and operational efficiency
BWIPUAR-1131: Update IAP controls to add scope wherever necessary.
BWIPUAR-1132: "Manage Controls Execution" (In admin/system) is probably no longer useful.
BWIPUAR-1133: Add i18n for controls HR16 to HR21
BWIPUAR-1136: Add documentation for Controls Browser
BWIPUAR-1137: Control Browser - .Since the scope was added to all controls, the list of control types contains several occurrences of the same type.
BWIPUAR-1138: Control Browser - Missing icons on some control types
BWIPUAR-1139: Hide the filter on control type; change the filter on entity for Folder / Share
BWIPUAR-1140: Add rights remediation in analyze tab - UI actionable
BWIPUAR-1141: Take into account the control type Right (without the S), to display the rights in the dialog
BWIPUAR-1142: Ledger content - null values for "Local servers accounts" and "Local servers groups"
BWIPUAR-1145: Change French Control Browser menu title
BWIPUAR-1146: Controls Browsers remediation status
BWIPUAR-1147: Scope tag (etiquette portée) is not nationalized
BWIPUAR-1148: Default size for control code column might be reduced?
BWIPUAR-1149: Analysis tab in controls browser detail display issues
BWIPUAR-1151: ACC23 - Change French displayname
BWIPUAR-1152: Control type = "Not available" when you select "Folder" in filters
BWIPUAR-1155: Should we hide the SOD Controls Menu?
BWIPUAR-1157: Entity nationalization issue
BWIPUAR-1158: Some control Details dialogs need some time to open
BWIPUAR-1159: Rights controls detail
BWIPUAR-1160: Hide Theoretical Rights Controls in control browser
BWIPUAR-1161: Add ability to launch post migration workflow to get previous campaigns metadata
BWIPUAR-1162: Quality Controls still use permissionInfo and ApplicationInfo tables
BWIPUAR-1173: As an auditor I want to be able to connect to brainwave to browse IAP campaigns and remediation
BWIPUAR-1176: 2 accounts tab in bwf_permissionDetailsDialog
BWIPUAR-1177: Tooltip to be disabled in bwf_permissionDetailsDialog controls tab
BWIPUAR-1181: Typo - Discrepancies instead of discrepancies
BWIPUAR-1182: Add missing controls QA15, QA16
BWIPUAR-1183: Add missing controls GROUP26 and GROUP27
BWIPUAR-1184: Account details ACL dialog box is empty
BWIPUAR-1186: Missing localization for new controls
BWIPUAR-1187: Add links and filtering options in review and remediation status dashboards and update to new look&feel
BWIPUAR-1188: Upgrade SOD Dashboard to new look&feel
BWIPUAR-1192: In Remediation Management page, we have two different status "New" and "new" for the remediation
BWIPUAR-1193: Update Identity Analytics description files (EN/FR) for 1.7 improvements
BWIPUAR-1199: Controls browser does not open the correct dialog for shares
BWIPUAR-1200: The 'Type' field for Shared folders show 'null' on the search page
BWIPUAR-1204: When clicking on "Refine perimeter", the selection of applications or repositories is lost (Except the first selection)
BWIPUAR-1208: SOD controls menu issues
BWIPUAR-1211: An error is generated in the console when trying to launch a remediation from the Control Browser on an account that is already being remediated.
BWIPUAR-1213: Updated reviewed object from the controls browser: status in the CB is not updated
BWIPUAR-1216: Disable controls browser remediation buttons for clients without iasreview feature?
BWIPUAR-1222: Double click on an account in bw_control_browser_controls_details_on_acc opens (behind!) the account detail page
BWIPUAR-1226: Fix dummy metadata creation
BWIPUAR-1229: Replace the "cancel" button with a "close" button in CB details dialogs
BWIPUAR-1232: Error while executing a control in CB
BWIPUAR-1236: Performance issue when reviewing application access rights
BWIPUAR-1237: Perf: In access360, disable PAM views with a featurepredicate because some views are executed unnecessarily for IAP.
BWIPUAR-1242: Administrator home page metrics can display 'Null' instead of '-' under certain conditions
BWIPUAR-1243: Sod license featureset issue
BWIPUAR-1245: KPI in administrator homepage can display Nan
BWIPUAR-640: Add an accounts without organization manager control, for review scopes
BWIPUAR-649: Integrate the controls browser (new) to IAP
BWIPUAR-767: Control ACC17 - Overallocated rights - Rule definition to be improved
BWIPUAR-770: Control ACC23 - Overallocated folder rights - Consider not only granted Permissions
BWIPUAR-910: Multiple selection of accounts for reconciliation
BWIPUAR-939: Tab Identity/Access/Shares - the message is confusing
IAP 1.6
BWIPUAR-1065: Migrate default mashup dashboards to "project" mashup dashboards
BWIPUAR-1062: MashupDashboard - Enhance functionaladmin and technicaladmin roles
BWIPUAR-1059: [test automation] flagged the reviewerstrategy combo for app and repo review
BWIPUAR-1055: Implement a test connection button for the Jira ITSM configuration page
BWIPUAR-1054: Jira ITMS - labels are not created during the ticket creation
BWIPUAR-1053: Jira connector, the "rejected" status is not considered as a final state of the ticket
BWIPUAR-1047: It's not possible to select tags for IAP repository accounts review
BWIPUAR-1030: Add Jira Cloud as a remediation connector
BWIPUAR-1024: Email remediation: The remediation instance is not populated
BWIPUAR-1020: The identity picker is on the wrong timeslot when used from a campaign instance
BWIPUAR-1015: Add a remediation strategy: send email to ITSM and RPA for automated ticket/remediation
BWIPUAR-1014: The config parameter sndebug is mandatory even if no ITSM remediation is configured in IAP
BWIPUAR-1010: Xtab review - its not possible to say that "I am not the reviewer"
BWIPUAR-1009: The recorduid is declared twice in the view accessreviewcampaigns.view
BWIPUAR-1007: Subscribed xls reports do not find xls template if Brainwave web server is installed in a Linux environment
BWIPUAR-1004: The access360r_identity_accessrights page shows disabled accounts
BWIPUAR-990: Access review: ask for a change (update)
BWIPUAR-988: Protect Analytics through features
BWIPUAR-971: Delegation - Refresh delegation table after creation/modification/deletion
BWIPUAR-954: Application access right - Incremental review strategy - Libellé incorrect en EN
BWIPUAR-953: French typos accents in different pages
BWIPUAR-943: Typo in the ticket reassignment dialogue
BWIPUAR-934: Compute discrepancies remediation for account based reviews
BWIPUAR-932: Add a special status in IAP campaign manager for campaign in initialization status
BWIPUAR-931: As a Brainwave designer I want to enrich my UI with actionable buttons
BWIPUAR-930: As a reviewer I want to mark entries as not owned by "me"
BWIPUAR-925: Control Analysis fragments can show wrong entries