BWIPUAR-2185: Review Campaign Management - On the safes review, in the "Entries signed off" tab, the filters on "Review Status" and "Safes" no longer work. The selection disappears immediately.
BWIPUAR-2176: dev : reviewers with completed reviews but not signed off are no longer visible on Review status tab
BWIPUAR-2175: Access review management page : sign off entries of 1st tab and filter on 4th
BWIPUAR-2171: Horizontal scrollbar in access review management page
BWIPUAR-2169: Hovering in fragment display (entries to review / sign off tabs)
BWIPUAR-2167: "Review Campaign Management" (Review status page) : When you click on "Nb of entries reviewed", the reviewer filter is wrongly applied to other tabs such as "Removed entries" and "Entries signed-off"
BWIPUAR-2166: [REVIEW] Reviewer page - Progress bar counters include signed off entries
BWIPUAR-2163: [BlackRock] Intermediate solution - Force the execution of a campaign in the campaign timeslot
BWIPUAR-2161: Permissions tags selection is ignored by counters
BWIPUAR-2154: [UAR][CAMPAIGN FOLLOW-UP] Perform Bulk action based on filter selection
BWIPUAR-2150: PAM Booster home page should not be in 1st position before Access360
BWIPUAR-2149: OAuth API issues with (some) password encode
BWIPUAR-2148: Rest API cannot be used from page services
BWIPUAR-2145: Sort of campaigns changes after action in Review campaign Management page
BWIPUAR-2125: [UAR] REACT - Review page - Bulk operation not applying on filter selection
BWIPUAR-2120: [UAR] Campaign follow-up - Bulk operation based on filter selection OR discretionary mode
BWIPUAR-2112: Compliance report tab takes too long to load when a review has a lot of entries (250k+)
BWIPUAR-2108: [UAR] Campaign follow-up - Table not refreshed with asynchronous mode
BWIPUAR-2100: Perf issue on last tab of campaign creation
BWIPUAR-2091: Offline mode does not include delegated entries
BWIPUAR-2090: [UAR] Campaign manager - Asynchronous mode for action buttons
BWIPUAR-2073: In "Entries to review" menu, the "Force Bulk Reset" is possible only if the number of entries selected are lower than 1000 entries
BWIPUAR-2063: Review completed but not signed off should not be hidden by defaut in Access360
BWIPUAR-2041: EntraID - facet to update in the Marketplace
BWIPUAR-1992: Remediation cannot be launched on deleted application
BWIPUAR-1878: In "Access Review Management", in "Reviewers with Pending review entries" section, the nb of entries left to be reviewed counter is not updated during the review
BWIPUAR-1840: Add warning on max size in sign off management page
BWIPUAR-1629: [review] automate actions on due date
BWIPUAR-2106: When bulk actions are in progress, individual actions are still enabled
BWIPUAR-2104: Filter ignored in table for bulk selection (review campaign configuration, reviewer page...)
BWIPUAR-2084: [UAR] In offline mode, option to sign off entries if all have been reviewed after file uploading
BWIPUAR-2080: [UAR] Review page - Handle task review with huge data volumes
BWIPUAR-2078: Add the "on Hold" option for iap reviews
BWIPUAR-2076: Ability to define a campaign owner that can manage and follow-up the campaign but not modify review perimeter
BWIPUAR-2069: In the review follow-up interface, the review statistics tab can now be hidden to handle huge data volumes
BWIPUAR-2064: Issue with the performance of access360r_applicationaccessrightsreviewbv
BWIPUAR-2060: [IDA-IDDM] support URLs without http/https prefix in JSON javascript service
BWIPUAR-2055: Ability to upload a mapping file to the CMDB connector
BWIPUAR-2050: The control identifier for the new control "Highly sensitive group membership...." should be named REV14 and not REV_14
BWIPUAR-2048: [cmdb] as a CMDB CI owner I want to monitor the evolutions of the resources of my CI
BWIPUAR-2047: [cmdb] 360 view of the configuration item resources by organization
BWIPUAR-2044: Hide AIDA option in Campaign configuration if license or aida project parameter are not enabled for SaaS deployment only.
BWIPUAR-2043: The review campaigns behind schedule are managed and automatically postponed to the next day.
BWIPUAR-2035: Define a notification template by review types
BWIPUAR-2015: Optimized finalization process for all review types
BWIPUAR-2014: Review management - Ability to force Bulk Reset and Proceed Now for all entries.
BWIPUAR-2013: [REACT] Review page - Sign off popup reappears after performing the action
BWIPUAR-2012: [REACT] Review Page - Pagination button not displayed if size screen too small
BWIPUAR-2006: New set of mashup dashboards for CMDB CI
BWIPUAR-2002: The execution of the BV bwaccess360_accessreviewcampaignsbv generates an oracle error ORA-00932
BWIPUAR-1999: Issue with folders acl display in fragment
BWIPUAR-1997: Enhancement of dialog boxes in control browser for servers/shares/folders
BWIPUAR-1996: Better truncation of names and descriptions of controls in the control browser
BWIPUAR-1993: Wrong param declaration in BusinessViews for scripted view calls
BWIPUAR-1988: [review] Add Identity lifecycle information to highlight job/org changes
BWIPUAR-1964: Missing Controls in the Documentation
BWIPUAR-1963: "Group By" option for Preview Perimeter Step in Config Wizard
BWIPUAR-1962: Revoke-Update Default Comments
BWIPUAR-1956: IAP review - send ad-hoc notification for certain reviewers
BWIPUAR-1947: Launch workflows have been re-written for all review types
BWIPUAR-1942: In the custom campaign manager, the filter on the campaign table do not work as expected.
BWIPUAR-1941: [cmdb] As an admin I want to access a CI detail
BWIPUAR-1939: [cmdb] as an admin I want to search for CI elements
BWIPUAR-1935: In the compliance report the incorrect priority level has now been removed
BWIPUAR-1929: Manage pre 3.0 reviews and custom reviews in a dedicated "custom review management" menu item.
BWIPUAR-1926: [review] Scheduler embedded in portal
BWIPUAR-1925: [review] Update notification workflows for all review types
BWIPUAR-1924: [review] Update the configuration wizard for all review types
BWIPUAR-1922: [review] The review campaign configuration wizard provides default values to ease the campaign creation process.
BWIPUAR-1895: Safe permissions review - In Access Review Management page, "Entries signed -off" tab, the label of the filter "Application" should be "Safe" (As in "Entries to review" tab)
BWIPUAR-1894: [Automated UAR] - Auditor should access to their campaigns in read only
BWIPUAR-1893: [Automated UAR] - Campaign Owner should access to their campaigns
BWIPUAR-1890: Edit Review Instance Notifications
BWIPUAR-1879: [ReviewUI] Review UI must take configuration into account
BWIPUAR-1875: [Manage] Duplicate campaign
BWIPUAR-1873: [Automated UAR] - New Step6: Complete review info and tag campaigns
BWIPUAR-1872: [Automated UAR] - New Step5: Schedule the review, configure notifications and reminders, config emails
BWIPUAR-1871: [Manage] Import / Export review campaign configurations on a same environment
BWIPUAR-1870: [Automated UAR] - New Step4: Set reviewer UI
BWIPUAR-1869: [Automated UAR] - Step3: Preview the perimeter that will be reviewed step updated
BWIPUAR-1868: [Automated UAR] - Step2: Configure the review strategy step updated with AI configuration section.