

Welcome to Identity Analytics local docker-compose installation Guide

In order to simplify the installation of Identity Analytics in different environments a new installation method using docker-compose for the solution has been implemented and is available.

The following pages will provide you with the necessary information to build and run the updated deliverable.

Please note that the "standard" installation method of installing the solution is still available for those that require it.

Identity Analytics docker-compose updates

Release Notes

Please find the release notes for the latest release of the local docker-compose solution for IDA.

Identity Analytics docker-compose Guides


The included page will provide you with all the necessary information and processes to implement before the installation of the local docker-compose solution of Identity Analytics.


Learn how to configure the local docker-compose solution of Identity Analytics.

Installation guide

Learn how to install the local docker-compose solution on the different supported environments.

Identity Data Management integration

Learn how to integrate your Identity Data Management solution with Identity Analytics smoothly.

Azure Connector configuration

Learn how to configure your connection to an Azure data source to ingest and audit your azure data.

Controller user guide

The linked page is the user guide for the controller. This documentation provides all the necessary information on how to use the controller from email configuration to extraction testing.

Run ops

Learn all the necessary commands to ensure a successful run and maintenance of the local docker-compose solution in time.


Theses pages include the symptoms and the solutions of common errors encountered when running the solution.