

Authentication and authorization configuration

All resources provided by the current Identity analytics solution installed using docker-compose are protected by the Authentication and Authorization server. It is implemented with RedHat Keycloak. This chapter describes how to implement supported use cases. For detailed explanations about options, please refer to the official documentation.

Supported Identity Providers

The current Identity analytics solution installed using docker-compose supports:

  • Local Directory: this the default identity provider. Users, its credentials and groups/roles are stored in the Keycloak's internal repository.
  • User Federation with Active Directory: the user federation allows Keycloak to delegate authentication and authorization based on groups to Active Directory through LDAP(s) v3 protocol.
  • Identity Provider with Azure Active Directory: Azure AD will provide users authentication and authorization using OpenID Connect or SAML v2 protocol .

Static built-in roles

This package comes with default configuration (clients, roles, etc.). The roles provided by Identity analytics are:

  • user: standard user. It allows access to the Governance Portal user interface
  • designer: allows the design of Mashup Dashboards in the Governance Portal user interface
  • technicaladmin: allows the Technical Administration in the Governance Portal user interface and miscellaneous technical interfaces (configuration and controller UIs)
  • functionaladmin: allows the Functional Administration in the Governance Portal user interface

All these roles are defined in the client apisix client of the Brainwave realm.

Keycloak Administration Console

You first need to get the initial password of user setup.
There are 2 cases:

  1. Not mail setup has been done during install and before first start
  2. Email configuration has been setup and email has been assigned to setup user

In the first case, the default password of setup user is Brainwave@2023. After successful login, you are invited to change it.

  • History: 10
  • Force change password after: 90 days
  • Minimum length: 8
  • Minimum upper case: 1
  • Minimum lower case: 1
  • Minimum digit: 1
  • Minimum special: 1
  • Username and email as password: forbidden

In the second use case, the password is randomly generated during first startup. To retrieve the password of setup user please follow steps.

  • Go to https://{{HOSTNAME}}/config and login with setup account
  • Click on Forgot password on login screen
  • Enter the email of setup user
  • Keycloak sends you an email with reset password link (that expires in 1 hour)
  • With that link, you will be invited to set a new password compliant with the default password policy (see above)

Self-service user administration

Keycloak can notify end-users related to accounts and credentials lifecycle.
The email configuration in Keycloak is managed by the Identity Analytics configuration UI (https://{{HOSTNAME}}/config)

Local Directory configuration

There is nothing to do to use of this directory. Simply, declare users inside the Brainwave realm using the administration console.

All users declared in this directory must authenticate with the email or username and local credentials.

To create a new user granted to this directory, follow the steps below.

Once connected to the Keycloak Administration Console:

  1. Select the Brainwave realm from the dropdown box.
  2. Click on the Users menu.
  3. Then click on the button Add user.
  4. Enter values for the username (not updatable after creation) and email fields. They can have the same values or different values. It depends how your Identity Analytics iGRC project is configured (TODO: make reference to something out of this chapter that explains portal view is configured. br_portal_identity?). This is the login used by the end-user when accessing the user interfaces such as Governance Portal.
  5. Enter other fields like First name and Last name.
  6. Choose Update Password option in the select box Required user actions so that end-user must change the initial password during first connection.
  7. Click on the Create button.
  8. Once user successfully created, go the Credentials tab to setup initial password.
  9. Click on Set password button.
  10. Enter Password and Password confirmation.
  11. Set Temporary field to On so that end-user must enter its own password.
  12. Then click save.
  13. Click on Role mapping tab.
  14. Click on Assign role button.
  15. Click on Filter by role field and choose Filter by clients.
  16. In the field Search by role name, enter apisix to select Identity Analytics static built-in roles to assign.
  17. Check the roles to assign (ex. user)
  18. Then click on Assign button.

Active Directory user federation

The user federation with Active Directory allows Keycloak to delegate authentication and authorization based on groups to Active Directory through LDAP(s) v3 protocol.

The user federation is also known as external user storage. To support all the features of Keycloak, user information is stored locally except credentials. The User federation regularly synchronizes its local storage with Active Directory. See details on how it works.

This section explains how to configure Keycloak to look for users (identity with Active Directory credentials) and groups (for authorization based).


To enable Keycloak to query your Active Directory, you must declare a read-only service account granted to traverse the directory tree where your users and groups are located including referrals.

Enable Active Directory to support LDAP or LDAPs if not yet available

Open route from the Identity analytics solution cluster to Active Directory on port LDAP port (default is 389) or LDAPs port (default 686).

User Federation required information

Get from your Active Directory administrator:

  • LDAP Host: Domain Controller host name or IP
  • Service Account Bind DN: Service Account distinguished name.
  • Service Account Bind Credentials: Service Account credentials.
  • Users DN: distinguished name from which users are searched for. If users that you will grant to Identity analytics solution are located in distinct nodes, choose the root DN common to those nodes. It is not possible to enter more than one DN to search for users.
  • Username LDAP attribute: name of the LDAP attribute which is mapped to Keycloak username. For instance cn or sAMAccountName.
  • User search scope: possible values are One Level or Subtree. First option means that users are search at the Users DN level. Second options means that users are searched whatever the level from Users DN.
  • Groups DN: distinguished name from which groups are searched for. If groups assigned to LDAP users are located in distinct nodes, choose the root DN common to those nodes. It is not possible to enter more than one DN to search for groups.
  • Group name LDAP attribute: name of the LDAP attribute which is mapped to Keycloak username. For instance cn or sAMAccountName.

User Federation authentication

Once connected to the Keycloak Administration Console:

  1. Select the Brainwave realm from the dropdown box.

  2. Select User Federation from the menu.

  3. Click on Add new providerdropdown list and choose LDAP.

  4. Enter General options and Connection settings

    • Console display name: a name to identify your Active Directory users repository.
    • Vendor: choose Active Directory
    • Connection URL: LDAP connection URL of ACtive Directory. It is prefixed by ldap:// or ldaps:// followed by the LDAP Host. See gathered information.
    • Enable StartTLS: if you choose LDAPS
    • Use Truststore SPI: choose option Only for ldaps
    • Connection timeout: LDAP connection timeout in milliseconds. For instance, 1000.
    • Bind type: select simple to connect to Active Directory with LDAP service account and password.
    • Bind DN: service account distinguished name. See gathered information.
    • Bind credentials: service account credentials name. See gathered information.
  5. Enter LDAP searching and updating fields

    • Edit mode: choose the READ_ONLY value so that LDAP attributes are one-way synched to Keycloak.
    • Users DN: distinguished name from which users are searched for. See gathered information. For example,
    • Username LDAP attribute: choose the LDAP attribute in Active Directory that fills the Keycloak username. See gathered information. For example, the common name cn.
    • Search scope: recursive or one level user search. See gathered information. For example, Subtree.
    • Read timeout:
    • Pagination: set to On in case of large number of users.
  6. Enter Synchronization settings fields

    • Import users: set to On. Keycloak will import users at after configuration terminated.
    • Batch size: import 1000 users per transaction.
    • Periodic full sync: set to On. Execute a full synchronization from Active Directory to Keycloak.
    • Full sync period: full synchronization every 86400 seconds (24 hours).
    • Periodic changed users sync: set to On.
    • Changed users sync period: synchronize changes in Active Directory to Keycloak every 14400 seconds (4 hours).
  7. Enter Cache settings fields

    • Cache policy: MAX_LIFESPAN
    • Max lifespan: 3600 milliseconds
  8. Enter Advanced settings fields

    • Trust email: set to On. Active Directory is considered as authoritative source for email and verification is not required.
  9. Click Save button


User Federation group mapping

Once connected to the Keycloak Administration Console, do the following steps to map authorizations to Active Directory groups.

When you created the User Federation in the previous section, Keycloak created default mappers.

Mapper Name
Mapper Type

creation date




full name




last name


modify date


MSAD account controls




You will now check the configuration to create a new mapper for the Active Directory groups.

  1. Select the Brainwave realm from the dropdown box.
  2. Select User Federation from the menu.
  3. Click on the card with the Console display name you have chosen in the previous section.
  4. Click on Add mapper button.
  5. Enter the general mapper fields
  • Name: the mapper will be named groups.
  • Mapper type: the type to map LDAP group is group-ldap-mapper.
  1. Enter the Group LDAP mapper fields
  • LDAP Groups DN: distinguished name from which groups are searched for. See gathered information.
  • Preserve Group Inheritance: set to Off. It is mandatory to disable this option if you have multiple parent groups for a group. This is often the case with nested groups.
  • User Groups Retrieve Strategy: choose GET_GROUPS_FROM_USER_MEMBEROF_ATTRIBUTE option
  • Drop non-existing groups during sync: set to On

Synchronize Users and Groups

Once connected to the Keycloak Administration Console, do the following steps to synchronize Active Directory users and groups to Keycloak.

  1. Select the Brainwave realm from the dropdown box.
  2. Select User Federation from the menu.
  3. Click on the card with the Console display name you have chosen in the previous section.
  4. In the upper right dropdown list, select Sync changed users Action.

Roles group mapping

When the synchronization is finalized, you will be able to assign Identity analytics static built-ins roles (Keycloak Client Role) to Active Directory groups.


When an Active Directory user is member of an Active Directory group (for instance BW_USERS), the user will be granted to access (user) the Governance Portal user interface.

Once connected to the Keycloak Administration Console, do the following steps to assign a set of roles when an Active Directory user is member of an Active Directory group.

  1. Select the Brainwave realm from the dropdown box.
  2. Select Groups from the menu.
  3. Select the Active Directory group (ex. BW_USERS)
  4. Click on Role mapping tab.
  5. Click on Assign role button.
  6. Click on Filter by roles field and choose Filter by clients.
  7. In the field Search by role name, enter apisix to select Identity Analytics static built-in roles to assign.
  8. Check the roles to assign (ex. user)
  9. Then click on Assign button.

Azure Active Directory identity provider

This feature is based on Identity Broker available in Keycloak.

In Keycloak, you can integrate with two main types of Identity Provider, depending on the security protocol supported by Identity Provider

  • SAML v2.
  • OpenID Connect v1.0.

OpenID Connect protocol

OIDC Prerequisites

Ask your Azure Active Directory Administrator to create a new App Registration with the following properties

  • Redirect URI: this is the address of Keycloak instance. This URI looks like PROTOCOL://DNS_SERVICE_NAME/auth/realms/brainwave/broker/ALIAS/endpoint where
    • PROTOCOL is http or https depending on your deployment configuration
    • DNS_SERVICE_NAME is the DNS of the Identity analytics solution cluster
    • ALIAS is the unique identifier set in Keycloak to this identity provider (remember it for later configuration). We suggest to provide a string that represents the Identity Provider without space or special characters. For instance, bw-aad-oidc for Identity Analytics Azure Active Directory using OpenID Connect.
  • Token configuration: ask for optional groups claim with properties
    • Add Security groups.
    • Add Group ID in Access Token.

Authorizations in Azure Active Directory are supposed to be assigned using security groups. So ask your Azure Active Directory Administrator to create new groups that will be mapped later against static built-in roles

  • Technical Administrator group
  • Functional Administrator group
  • Standard User group
  • Designer group

Finally the group claims should be configured in the token configuration. If necessary add a group claims and customize the token properties to Group ID.

Configure Identity Provider with OpenID Connect

When the administrator finalized the App Registration configuration and the groups creation in Azure Active Directory, gather the following information

Once connected to the Keycloak Administration Console, do the following steps to configure the Identity Provider, either using OpenID connect or SAML protocol.

  1. Select the Brainwave realm from the dropdown box.

  2. Select Identity providers from the menu.

  3. Click on Add provider button and select OpenID Connect v1.0 option.

  4. Fill in General options section

    • Alias: this is the value you provided to your Azure Active Directory (see Redirect URI).
    • Display name: Enter the display name that will be displayed on login user interface.
  5. Fill in OpenID Connect settings

  6. Click on Add button

  7. Open Advanced section to change some parameters

    • Pass current locale: set to On
    • Backchannel logout: set to On
  8. Change following Advanced settings

    • Trust Email: set to On.
    • Sync mode: select Force option.
  9. Click on Save button

  10. Click on Mappers tab

  11. Click on Add mapper button. Create as many mappers as Azure Active Directory groups that match static built-in roles

    • Map Technical Administrator group to the role technicaladmin. Fill in the mapper form fields

      • Name: Technical Administrator Group Mapper
      • Sync mode override: choose Force option to always update Keycloak during login
      • Mapper type: choose Claim to Role option
      • Claim: the claim that contains the Azure Active Directory groups is named groups
      • Claim Value: this is the group ID of Technical Administrator group provided by your Azure Active Directory administrator
      • Role
        • Client role: apisix
        • Name: technicaladmin
    • Map Functional Administrator group to the role functionaladmin. Fill in the mapper form fields

      • Name: Functional Administrator Group Mapper
      • Sync mode override: choose Force option to always update Keycloak during login
      • Mapper type: choose Claim to Role option
      • Claim: the claim that contains the Azure Active Directory groups is named groups
      • Claim Value: this is the group ID of Functional Administrator group provided by your Azure Active Directory administrator
      • Role
        • Client role: apisix
        • Name: functionaladmin
    • Map Standard User group to the role user. Fill in the mapper form fields

      • Name: Standard User Group Mapper
      • Sync mode override: choose Force option to always update Keycloak during login
      • Mapper type: choose Claim to Role option
      • Claim: the claim that contains the Azure Active Directory groups is named groups
      • Claim Value: this is the group ID of Standard User group provided by your Azure Active Directory administrator
      • Role
        • Client role: apisix
        • Name: user
    • Map Designer group to the role designer. Fill in the mapper form fields

      • Name: Designer Group Mapper
      • Sync mode override: choose Force option to always update Keycloak during login
      • Mapper type: choose Claim to Role option
      • Claim: the claim that contains the Azure Active Directory groups is named groups
      • Claim Value: this is the group ID of Designer group provided by your Azure Active Directory administrator
      • Role
        • Client role: apisix
        • Name: designer

SAML v2.0 protocol


Ask your Azure Active Directory Administrator to create a new Enterprise Application for SAML v2 authentication with the following properties:

  • Entity ID: <PROTOCOL>://<DNS_SERVICE_NAME>/auth/realms/brainwave
  • Consumer Service URL (ACS): <PROTOCOL>://<DNS_SERVICE_NAME>/auth/realms/brainwave/broker/<ALIAS>/endpoint where
    • <PROTOCOL> is http or https depending on your deployment configuration
    • <DNS_SERVICE_NAME> is the DNS of the Brainwave package cluster
    • <ALIAS> is the unique identifier set in Keycloak to this identity provider (remember it for later configuration). We suggest to provide a string that represents the Identity Provider without space nor special characters. For instance, bw-aad-saml for Brainwave Azure Active Directory using SAML.
  • Claims

Authorizations in Azure Active Directory are supposed to be assigned using security groups. So ask your Azure Active Directory Administrator to create new groups that will be mapped later against static built-in roles.

  • Technical Administrator group.
  • Functional Administrator group.
  • Standard User group.
  • Designer group.

Finally the group claims should be configured in the token configuration. If necessary add a group claims and customize the token properties to Group ID.

SAML v2 configuration

When the administrator finalized the Enterprise Application configuration and the groups creation in Azure Active Directory, gather the following information

  • List of group IDs for each of Active Directory group.
  • App Federation Metadata Url .

Once connected to the Keycloak Administration Console, do the following steps to configure the Identity Provider, either using OpenID connect or SAML protocol.

  1. Select the Brainwave realm from the dropdown box.

  2. Select Identity providers from the menu.

  3. Click on Add provider button and select SAML v2.0 option.

  4. Fill in General options section

    • Alias: this is the value you provided to your Azure Active Directory (see Consumer Service URL (ACS)).
    • Display name: enter the display name that will be displayed on login user interface.
  5. Fill in SAML Settings section

  6. Click on Add button.

  7. Change following SAML settings

    • Backchannel logout: set to On.
    • NameID policy format: select Unspecified option.
    • Allow create: set to On.
    • HTTP-POST binding response: set to On.
    • HTTP-POST binding for AuthnRequest: set to On.
    • Signature algorithm: select RSA_SHA256 option.
    • SAML signature key name: select CERT_SUBJECT option.
    • HTTP-POST binding logout: set to On.
    • Want AuthnRequests signed: set to On.
    • Want Assertions signed: set to On.
  8. Change following Advanced settings

    • Trust Email: set to On.
    • Sync mode: select Force option.
  9. Click on Save button.

  10. Click on Add mapper button. Create as many mappers as Azure Active Directory groups that match static built-in roles

    • Map Technical Administrator group to the role technicaladmin. Fill in the mapper form fields

      • Name: Technical Administrator Group Mapper
      • Sync mode override: choose Force option to always update Keycloak during login
      • Mapper type: choose SAML Attribute to Role option
      • Attribute Name: the claim that contains the Azure Active Directory groups is named
      • Attribute Value: this is the group ID of Technical Administrator group provided by your Azure Active Directory administrator
      • Role
        • Client role: apisix
        • Name: technicaladmin
    • Map Functional Administrator group to the role functionaladmin. Fill in the mapper form fields

      • Name: Functional Administrator Group Mapper
      • Sync mode override: choose Force option to always update Keycloak during login
      • Mapper type: choose Claim to Role option
      • Attribute Name: the claim that contains the Azure Active Directory groups is named
      • Attribute Value: this is the group ID of Functional Administrator group provided by your Azure Active Directory administrator
      • Role
        • Client role: apisix
        • Name: functionaladmin
    • Map Standard User group to the role user. Fill in the mapper form fields

      • Name: Standard User Group Mapper
      • Sync mode override: choose Force option to always update Keycloak during login
      • Mapper type: choose Claim to Role option
      • Attribute Name: the claim that contains the Azure Active Directory groups is named
      • Attribute Value: this is the group ID of Standard User group provided by your Azure Active Directory administrator
      • Role
        • Client role: apisix
        • Name: user
    • Map Designer group to the role designer. Fill in the mapper form fields

      • Name: Designer Group Mapper
      • Sync mode override: choose Force option to always update Keycloak during login
      • Mapper type: choose Claim to Role option
      • Attribute Name: the claim that contains the Azure Active Directory groups is named
      • Attribute Value: this is the group ID of Designer group provided by your Azure Active Directory administrator
      • Role
        • Client role: apisix
        • Name: designer
  11. Click on Add mapper button. Create mappers for last name, first name and email from Azure Active Directory to Keycloak user attributes

    • Map givenname SAML Attribute to the Keycloak user attribute. Fill in the mapper form fields

      • Name: First name Attribute Mapper
      • Sync mode override: choose Force option to always update Keycloak during login
      • Mapper type: choose Attribute Importer option
      • Attribute Name: enter the claim name you supplied to your Azure Active Directory administrator (like
      • Name Format: select ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_URI option
      • User Attribute Name: firstName
    • Map surname SAML Attribute to the Keycloak user attribute. Fill in the mapper form fields

      • Name: Last name Attribute Mapper
      • Sync mode override: choose Force option to always update Keycloak during login
      • Mapper type: choose Attribute Importer option
      • Attribute Name: enter the claim name you supplied to your Azure Active Directory administrator (like
      • Name Format: select ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_URI option
      • User Attribute Name: lastName
    • Map emailaddress SAML Attribute to the Keycloak user attribute. Fill in the mapper form fields

      • Name: Email Attribute Mapper
      • Sync mode override: choose Force option to always update Keycloak during login
      • Mapper type: choose Attribute Importer option
      • Attribute Name: enter the claim name you supplied to your Azure Active Directory administrator (like
      • Name Format: select ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_URI option
      • User Attribute Name: email


If the user has "access denied" message after successful IdP login, check the Keycloak user whether it has been granted the appropriate role. If not, verify:

  • Keycloak Identity Provider Mappers configuration
    • Do you define one mapper per role?
    • Is the Azure Group ID valid?
    • Does the AAD user member of the expected group?
  • Azure Active Directory claims definition with your Administrator
    • Does the group claim correctly defined?
    • Does the Token Configuration in AAD App registration contain the optional group claim named groups?