


This guide describes how to apply a patch for RadiantOne v7.4.X. These steps only apply to updating your existing RadiantOne v7.4 version with a new minor release/patch of RadiantOne v7.4.X. These steps are not relevant for major upgrades (i.e. upgrading from v7.2 or v7.3).

Preparing for the Patch

Once you have stopped all RadiantOne services, make a backup copy of your entire <RLI_HOME> folder.

If you have deployed an external ZooKeeper ensemble, make a backup copy of the entire <ZooKeeper_Home> folder.

Retrieving the Update Files

The RadiantOne files are located at:

After you create an account, log in and navigate to: /update_installers/7.4/<version_to_update_to>. Copy the applicable file to all of your RadiantOne nodes.

rli-zookeeper-external-jdk<javaVersion>-zk<version>-linux_64.tar.gz (applicable if you are using external ZooKeeper and a Java update is associated with this patch release – check release notes to see if a JDK update is associated with the patch).

rli-zookeeper-external-jdk<javaVersion>-zk<version> (applicable if you are using external ZooKeeper and a Java update is associated with this patch release – check release notes to see if a JDK update is associated with the patch).

Preparing for the Update

This guide assumes you are performing an in-place update, meaning you are applying the patch on your existing active machines as opposed to having a new, clean environment. If you have a blue-green deployment, where you have an extra set of machines to install and test the patch, make sure it is running the same RadiantOne version as the active environment. Then, if needed, migrate over the current configuration from the active environment (using <RLI_HOME>\apps\migration\migrate.bat/.sh). Finally, run the update in the test environment using the procedure below. After all tests pass, switch your load balancer to direct traffic to the updated environment.

  • For cluster deployments, update all RadiantOne FID follower and follower-only nodes first. Update the RadiantOne FID leader node last. After the node is patched, it is important to ensure that all needed services are back up and running prior to patching the next node.
  • Make sure you have backed up your <RadiantOne_Installation> folder.
  • (Optional) to gracefully scale down, drain any open connections for your load balancer to the RadiantOne node you are updating. See your vendor documentation for configuring connection draining for your load balancer.
  • Close any open RadiantOne applications.
  • Stop any running services. All possible (default) service names are as follows. Some might not be applicable to your deployment.
    RadiantOne DB Access Logger
    RadiantOne FID (vds_server)
    RadiantOne FID Management Console (vds_server)
    Process Explorer (on Windows) can be used to check the handles on the RadiantOne JVM executables to confirm all applications are stopped. Search for handles on "java" and you can see every process that has a handle on a java process. For Linux, you can use something like ps aux | grep "java" to get a list of Java processes.

Apply the RadiantOne patch with either the web installer, or from command line.

Applying the Patch Using the Web Interface

  1. Navigate to your RadiantOne installation /bin folder (e.g. C:\radiantone\vds\bin). Run setup.bat (.sh on Linux). If on Windows, right-click and Run As Administrator. This launches the Web Installation process.

  2. Click Choose File and navigate to the location where you copied the .zip (.tar.gz) file associated with the new RadiantOne version and click OK.

An image showing

  1. Click Next to confirm the file signature has been validated.

An image showing

  1. Click Update on the Summary screen to start the patching process.

An image showing

  1. Once the updater completes on the node click Exit and close the web browser.

  2. Start the RadiantOne service and ZooKeeper on this node (you can check status from the Cluster tab in Control Panel).

  1. After the updater is run on all nodes, make any additional updates recommended by Radiant Logic.

  2. All certificates that you imported in the default Java trust store (<RLI_HOME>\jdk\jre\lib\security\cacerts) must be re-imported. You can import them into the RadiantOne Client Trust Store instead of the default Java one, which allows them to be shared across cluster nodes. For details on the RadiantOne client trust store, see the System Administration Guide.

  3. All changes made to <RLI_HOME>\jdk\jre\lib\security\ (e.g. changes to jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms) must be applied again. Use your backup copy of as a reference for what changes are needed.

  4. (Optional) If you use a modified/customized <RLI_HOME>\vds_server\conf\ldapschema_00.ldif file, copy your old file from the backup location and overwrite the ldapschema_00.ldif file that was updated as a result of applying the RadiantOne patch.

  1. If you have an external Zookeeper ensemble deployed, follow the steps outlined in Updating External ZooKeeper Ensemble. Otherwise, continue to the next step.

  2. Run your standard tests to ensure your virtual views and complete configuration work as expected after the update.

  3. If all works as expected, the update process can be run on your production nodes (using the same sequence as described above). It is recommended to update during non-peak traffic hours.

  4. Follow the steps above to update other sites/clusters.

Applying the Patch Using Command Line

  1. From command line, navigate to your RadiantOne installation /bin folder (e.g. C:\radiantone\vds\bin).

  2. Run the following command to apply the patch:

setup.[bat|sh] --mode update --file <full path to the 7.4 archive> 

For example: C:\radiantone\vds\bin>setup.bat --mode update --file C:\Users\lgrad\Downloads\

When the update completes, the command returns: INFO com.rli.install.WebInstallUtil:311 - Update is done

  1. Start the RadiantOne service and ZooKeeper on this node (you can check status from the Cluster tab in Control Panel).
  1. After the updater is run on all nodes, make any additional updates recommended by Radiant Logic.

  2. All certificates that you imported in the default Java trust store (<RLI_HOME>\jdk\jre\lib\security\cacerts) must be re-imported. You can import them into the RadiantOne Client Trust Store instead of the default Java one, which allows them to be shared across cluster nodes. For details on the RadiantOne client trust store, see the System Administration Guide.

  3. (Optional) If you use a modified/customized <RLI_HOME>\vds_server\conf\ldapschema_00.ldif file, copy your old file from the backup location and overwrite the ldapschema_00.ldif file that was updated as a result of applying the RadiantOne patch.

  1. If you have an external Zookeeper ensemble deployed, follow the steps outlined in Updating External ZooKeeper Ensemble. Otherwise, continue to the next step.

  2. Run your standard tests to ensure your virtual views and complete configuration work as expected after the update.

  3. If all works as expected, the update process can be run on your production nodes (using the same sequence as described above). It is recommended to update during non-peak traffic hours.

  4. Follow the steps above to update other sites/clusters.

Updating External ZooKeeper Ensemble

If you have ZooKeeper deployed in an external ensemble, you must update it separately with the steps outlined below only when Java updates are needed, or if the ZooKeeper version used by RadiantOne is updated.

  1. Copy the rli-zookeeper-external* file to each of your ZooKeeper servers.

  2. Unzip the new ZooKeeper version in a separate, temporary folder (other than the one it is currently installed on).

  3. Stop ZooKeeper on the node you are updating.

  4. If you haven’t already done so, make a copy/backup of the existing ZooKeeper home location.

  5. Copy the following folders from the new version (that you unzipped in step 2) to the existing setup:

/bin/ (copy) /setup/ (remove from target first – remove all jars, then copy) /zookeeper/bin/ (remove from target first, then copy) /zookeeper/docs/ (remove from target first, then copy) /zookeeper/lib/ (remove from target first, then copy) /jdk/ (remove from target first, then copy)

  1. Delete the temporary folder that you unzipped the new ZooKeeper version to in step 2.

  2. Start ZooKeeper.

  3. Repeat the steps above for each ZooKeeper server in your external ensemble.

Updating Active Directory Password Capture

The files to detect password changes in Active Directory were updated in v7.4.11. These files need to be manually updated in your RadiantOne install if you are running a version prior to v7.4.11 (base install before patching).

Download the files from Sharefile in: Tools > AD_Pwd_Filter > Patch_Files_v7411+ and update your <RLI_HOME>/bin/ad_pwd folder with them (remove or overwrite these files with the ones from Sharefile).

Install the .NET framework v4.8 and VC++ distributable v14.38+ on the RadiantOne machine.

Known Issues

For known issues reported after the release, please see the Radiant Logic Knowledge Base:

How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback

Feedback and problems can be reported from the Support Center/Knowledge Base accessible from:

If you do not have a user ID and password to access the site, please contact [email protected].