


Log in at and click "Create a new application".

Choose Consumer for the App Type in the page that follows, then click Next.

For the Display Name, enter a value that is easy to recognize (i.e CFS), then click Create App.

If you get prompted to re-enter your password, do so, then click Submit.

Under Settings > Basic on the left navigation pane, enter the App Domain value from CFS in the App Domain form.

  • From CFS:

  • On the Facebook Developer Portal:

In the Privacy Policy form, enter your company's privacy policy url.

Click Save Changes.

On the top of the page, locate App Mode, and toggle it to Live.

At the bottom of the page, click + Add Platform, then choose Website.

Click Next. In the Site URL that appears below, copy the value that appears in CFS, then click Save Changes.

  • From CFS:

  • In Facebook Developer Portal:

Under the Products tab on the left, choose Add Product.

Look for Facebook Login and click Setup.

On the left navigation pane, under Facebook Login, choose the Settings tab.

Under the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs, enter the URI from the CFS Web portal.

  • From CFS:

  • In Facebook Developer Portal:

Click Save Changes

In the left navigaiton pane, navigate back to Settings > Basic.

Log into CFS as a Tenant Administrator and navigate to Authentication -> Social Networks -> Facebook.

Copy the App ID and App Secret Parameters, and paste them in the CFS Facebook Configuration page, respectively.

  • From Facebook Developer Portal:

  • In CFS Web Portal:

Choose whether to enable on Master, Proxy, or both.

Click Save in the CFS Web Portal.


Log into GitHub at:, and click Register a New Application.

github 1

  • Enter a name for the application.
  • Enter the homepage of your CFS (i.e. ).
  • Enter a description (optional).
  • Enter the Authorization callback URL for CFS. To get this URL, log into CFS as a Tenant Administrator and navigate to Authentication > Social Networks > GitHub and get the Authorization callback URL value.

github 2

Click Register Applicaton.

In the page that appears next, click Generate a new client secret. Copy this value in a secure location, as you won't be able to view it again.

github 3

github 4

Click Update Application.

Log into CFS as a Tenant Administrator and navigate to Authentication > Social Networks > GitHub.

In the CFS Web Portal, enter the Client ID and Client Secret copied from GitHub. Note - the values shown in the screen shot below are only examples and not valid.

Choose whether to enable on CFS Master, CFS Proxy, or both.

Click Save.

github 5


Log in to Google Cloud at: and click "Create Project".

google 1

Enter a name for the project, and click Create. Once created, the project name cannot be changed.

google 2

In the notification, page find the notification that states "Create Project: [CFS project name]", and choose Select Project.

google 3

In the top right of the web page, click on the Hamburger Menu and find API & Services > Credentials.

google 4

Click + Create Credentials in the top navigation pane, then choose OAuth client ID.

google 5

If not done so already, the webpage will display a message saying that a consent screen configuration is needed first. Configure it by clicking on the CONFIGURE CONSENT SCREEN button.

google 6

Choose whether to make the consent screen visible to external or internal, then click Create.

google 7

Fill out the consent screen as desired, then click Save and Continue. An example looks like this:

google 8

In the 2 - Scopes Section, click Add or Remove Scopes and choose the following scopes from the list:

  • ../auth/
  • ../auth/userinfo.profile

google 9

Click Update then Save and Continue.

Enable test users, if desired. This is helpful if you're just testing. Note: to make an app go live, it must be submitted to Google for verification. Follow the steps as required by Google for this.

Back on the APIs and Services > Credentials page, click Create Credentials, and choose Oauth Client ID.

  • This step only applies, if you had to previously go through the steps to create the OAuth Consent Screen.

For Application Type choose Web Application.

For the name, enter something to uniquely identify the app (i.e. RadiantOne CFS).

For the Authorized JavaScript Origins option, click "+ ADD URI" and copy the Web Origin value from the CFS Web Page for configuring Google.

  • This can be found in the Authetication > Social Networks > Google section of the CFS Tenant Admin page.

google 10

For the Authorized Redirect URIs click +ADD URI, and copy the value from the CFS web Portal.

  • This can be found in the Authetication > Social Networks > Google section of the CFS Tenant Admin page.

google 10


In the popup window that is shown after, copy the client ID and client secret values and paste into CFS configuration respectively. Note - the values shown in the screen shot below are only examples and not valid.

Log into CFS as a Tenant Administrator and navigate to Authentication > Social Networks > Google.

Enter the Client ID and Client Secret you copied from the Google configuration in the previous section. Note - the values shown in the screen shot are only examples and not valid.

Choose whether to enable on CFS Master, CFS Proxy, or both.

Click Save.

google 11


Log in at: and click "Register Your Application", then click "Register a New Client".

  • Enter a name for the application.
  • Enter a description.
  • Enter the website address.
  • Enter the OAuth redirect_uri. To get this URL, log into CFS as Tenant Administrator then navigate to Authentication -> Social Networks -> Instagram and get the OAuth redirect_uri value.

  • Once you have validated the application on Instagram, in the details of your application, copy the parameters Client ID and Client Secret. These values are used to configure Instagram in CFS.

  • Log into the CFS as a Tenant Administration and navigate to Authentication -> Social Networks -> Instagram.
  • Enter the Client ID and Client Secret you copied from the Instagram configuration in the previous section. Note - the values shown in the screen shot below are only examples and not valid.
  • Click Save.

instagram 4


Log in at: and click Create an App.

All of the fields that appear in the next page are required. Fill them out accordingly. An example is shown below:

Click Create App.

Navigate to the Auth tab, and click the pencil next to Authorized redirect URLs for your app.

Then, click + Add redirect URL and enter the value from the CFS webpage. To get this URL, login into CFS as a Tenant Administrator and navigate to Authentication -> Social Networks -> LinkedIn and get the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URL value.

Click Update.

Navigate to the Products tab, and choose Sign In with LinkedIn.

Agree to the Terms of Service, and click Add Product.

Navigate back to the Auth tab, and find the Client ID and Client Secret section.

Log into CFS as a Tenant Administrator and navigate to Authentication -> Social Networks -> LinkedIn.

Copy the Client ID and Client Secret from the LinkedIn configuration. Note - the values shown in the screen shot below are only examples and not valid.

Choose whether to enable on CFS Master, CFS Proxy, or both.

Click Save.


Log in at:

Click + New Registration.

In the window that follows after ensure the following are filled out:

  • Name -- user friendly name for your application (i.e Cloud Federation Service)
  • Redirect URI -- To get this URL, log into CFS as a Tenant Administrator and navigate to Authentication -> Social Networks -> Microsoft, and get the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URL value.

  • Supported Account Types -- choose the Personal Microsoft Accounts Only

Click Register.

Navigate to the Certificate and Secrets blade on the left, and click + New client secret.

In the menu blade that appears after enter a name for your secret and the desired expiration time.

  • Note: you will have to update this secret in the CFS configuration page every time the secret expires.

  • Copy this secret somewhere that you can easily access for next steps.

Log in to CFS as a Tenant Administrator and navigate to Authentication -> Social Networks -> Microsoft.

Copy the Client ID and Client Secret values obtained previously. Note - the values shown in the screen shot below are only examples and not valid.

  • The App client ID can be found in the Overview section of the App Registration page.

Choose whether to enable on CFS Master, CFS Proxy, or both.

Click Save.


Log in at:

On the Dashboard tab navigate to My apps & Credentials.

Click Create App. In the form that appears:

  • For App Name enter a name (i.e. RadiantOne CFS) *Keep the App Type as Merchant
  • Leave the Sandbox Business Account as is (unless you have a need for a different one)

Click Create App.

Enter the redirect URL.To get this URL, log into CFS as a Tenant Administrator and navigate to Authentication -> Social Networks -> PayPal, and get the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URL value.

  • From CFS Portal:

  • In PayPal Developer Page:

In the App feature options, ensure that only the Login with PayPal checkbox is checked.

In the list of options that appear after checking Login with PayPal check both boxes under Personal Profile. Leave the others unchecked.

Enter your company's privacy policy, and user agreement links.

Click Continue in the popup that follows.

Click Save.

Click Show under the Secret section in the API Credentials section.

Log into CFS as a Tenant Administrator and navigate to Authentication -> Social Networks -> PayPal.

Copy the Client ID and Secret from the PayPal web page. Note - the values shown in the screen shot below are only examples and not valid.

Choose whether to enable on CFS Master, CFS Proxy, or both.

Click Save.


Log in at: and click "Create an app".

If you have not applied for a developer account previously, the following popup will appear, and you must click Apply.

  • Go through the process of applying for an account. (It takes 5 minutes or less)

After you apply for a developer account or after you log in (if have already prevously applied for a developer account), you will be redirected to the developer portal.

Click Create Project.

In the 1 Project Name tab, enter something to identify your project (i.e. RadiantOne CFS).

Click Next.

In the Use Case tab, choose Building Consumer Tools (professional).

Click Next.

In the Project Description explain the purpose of the project (i.e. "Allowing users to use Twitter to sign into an identity management platform").

Click Next.

In the App Name tab, enter a unique identifier for your app

Click Next.

The window that appears next is the API Key, API Key Secret, and Bearer Token. Copy these values to a safe place as it is the only time they will be displayed.

Click App Settings In the window that appears after, choose Set Up under User authentication Settings.

Toggle the radio button next to Oauth 1.0a.

Under OAuth 1.0A settings, toggle the Request email from users button. Ensure that only the Read Permission radio button is chosen.

In the Callback URI/Redirect URI section, copy the value from the CFS web page for Twitter configuration.

For the Website URL, enter the homepage of your CFS instance.

For the Terms of Service and privacy policy URLs, enter your company's respective links.

Log into CFS as a Tenant Administrator and navigate to Authentication -> Social Networks -> Twitter.

Copy the API Key you saved from the original creation of the app, into the consumer Key field. Do the same thing the with API Key Secret, except paste it in the Consumer Secret field.

Choose whether to enable on CFS Master, CFS Proxy, or both.

Click Save.


Log in at: and click "Create New Application".

In the form that follows, enter the following:

  • In the Name Field enter a unique name (i.e. RadiantOne - CFS)

  • Enter a description, if you feel it necessary

  • The website URL can just be your CFS homepage (i.e. )

  • The Redirect URL can be obtained by logging into CFS as a Tenant Administrator and navigating to Authentication -> Social Networks -> WordPress, and getting the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URL value.

    Answer the Small math equation after JavaScript origins.

  • Ensure that the Type is Web

Click Create.

Log in to CFS as a Tenant Administrator and navigate to Authentication -> Social Networks -> WordPress.

Copy the generated Client ID and Client Secret in the WordPress developer page that appears under OAuth Information.

Choose whether to enable on CFS Master, CFS Proxy, or both.

Click Save.


Log in at: and click Create an App.

In the page that follows ensure the following are filled:

  • Application Name - a unique name for the CFS application
  • Description -- Description of the app
  • Redirect UI -- Enter the redirect URI under Adimistration > Authentication > Identity Providers > Yahoo in the CFS Web Portal when logged in as tenant administrator.
  • Homepage -- Enter the CFS homepage
  • OAuth Client Type - Confidential Client
  • API permissions - Check OpenID Connect Permissions, and ensure email and profile are checked

Click Create App.

The page quickly refreshes and shows an App ID, Client ID (Consumer Key), and Client Secret (Consumer Secret) at the top of the page.

Log into CFS as a Tenant Administrator and navigate to Authentication -> Social Networks -> Yahoo.

Enter the API Key and API Secret you copied from the Yahoo configuration in the previous section. Note - the values shown in the screen shot below are only examples and not valid.

Choose wheter to enable on CFS Master, CFS Proxy, or both.

Click Save.