Decrypt LDIFZ Files to LDIF
This chapter describes how to decrypt an LDIFZ file into an LDIF file using the <RLI_HOME>/bin/vdsconfig utility.
This command decrypts an LDIFZ file into an LDIF file.
ldifz-to-ldif -pwdfile <PathToPwdFile> -ldifz <PathToLdifzFile> -ldif <PathToDecryptedLdifFile>
Command Arguments
- pwdfile <PathToPwdFile>
[required] The path to a file containing the password for the RadiantOne directory super user (e.g. cn=directory manager). This command requires Directory administrator credentials in order to extract the secret key required to decrypt the ldifz file.
- ldifz <PathToLdifzFile>
[required] The path to an LDIFZ file.
- ldif <PathToLdifFile>
[required] The path to the decrypted file.
radiantone/vds/bin/ ldifz-to-ldif -pwdfile /home/ec2-user/rootpwd -ldifz /home/ec2-user/radiantone/vds/vds_server/ldif/export/encyrpted.ldifz -ldif /home/ec2-user/radiantone/vds/vds_server/ldif/export/decrypted.ldif