Control Panels and Configuration Tools
Control Panel
A Jetty web server hosts the Main and Server Control Panels. There are four log files applicable to this component. The Windows service logs contains information related to installing, starting, uninstalling, and stopping the service. The Server Log contains internal server activities and is generated the first time each day that Jetty is started. The Access Log contains the save operations performed by administrators.
Windows Service Log
If the Control Panel has been installed as a Windows Service, information related to installing, starting, and uninstalling the service can be found in:
Information about stopping the service can be found in:
Server Log
The log file and default location is: <RLI_HOME>/vds_server/logs/jetty/web.log.
This file rolls over when it reaches 100M in size and 5 files are archived. These settings are configured from the Main Control Panel > Settings tab > Logs > Log Settings section. Select Control Panel – Server from the Log Settings to Configure drop-down list. Define the log level, rollover size and number of files to keep archived.
Figure 1: Main Control Panel Server Log Settings
To change the archive location, expand below the Advanced section (requires Expert Mode) and indicate the path in the web.log.file.archive property. Generally, these advanced settings should only be changed if advised by Radiant Logic.
The condition for deleting an archive is based on the total number of archives (configured in the How Many Files to Keep in Archive setting), or the age of the archive (configured in the web.log.file.maxTime property in the Advanced section), whichever comes first.
If you want to base archive deletion on the total number of archives, configure the web.log.file.maxTime property to 1000000d (1 million days), so that it is never triggered and indicate the maximum number of archive files to keep in the How Many Files to Keep in Archive property. If you want to base archive deletion on the age of the archive, configure the How Many Files to Keep in Archive to something like 1000000 (1 million files) so it is never triggered, and define the max age in number of days (e.g. 30d for 30 days) for the web.log.file.maxTime property in the Advanced section (requires Expert Mode).
Other Advanced properties (requires Expert Mode) that can be used to further condition the archive deletion are:
web.log.file.archive.scan.folder - the base folder where to find the logs to delete
web.log.file.archive.scan.depth - the depth to search for log files
web.log.file.archive.scan.glob - the regex (glob style) to match to select which files to delete
Access Log
The Control Panel access log file contains the save operations performed by administrators. When any user that is a member of the delegated administration groups saves changes in the Main or Server Control Panels, this activity is logged into: <RLI_HOME>/vds_server/logs/jetty/web_access.log. This is a CSV formatted log file with the delimiter being TAB. These settings are configured from the Main Control Panel > Settings tab > Logs > Log Settings section. Select Control Panel – Access from the Log Settings to Configure drop-down list. Define the log level, rollover size and number of files to keep archived.
Figure 2: Main Control Panel Access Log Settings
To change the archive location, expand below the Advanced section (requires Expert Mode) and indicate the path in the web.access.file.archive property. Generally, these advanced settings should only be changed if advised by Radiant Logic.
The condition for deleting an archive is based on the total number of archives (configured in the How Many Files to Keep in Archive setting), or the age of the archive (configured in the web.access.file.maxTime property in the Advanced section), whichever comes first.
If you want to base archive deletion on the total number of archives, configure the web.access.file.maxTime property to 1000000d (1 million days), so that it is never triggered and indicate the maximum number of archive files to keep in the How Many Files to Keep in Archive property. If you want to base archive deletion on the age of the archive, configure the How Many Files to Keep in Archive to something like 1000000 (1 million files) so it is never triggered, and define the max age in number of days (e.g. 30d for 30 days) for the web.access.file.maxTime property in the Advanced section (requires Expert Mode).
Other Advanced properties (requires Expert Mode) that can be used to further condition the archive deletion are:
web.access.file.archive.scan.folder - the base folder where to find the logs to delete
web.access.file.archive.scan.depth - the depth to search for log files
web.access.file.archive.scan.glob - the regex (glob style) to match to select which files to delete
Custom Settings
More fine-grained configuration log settings related to the Main and Server Control Panels can be managed from the Main Control Panel -> ZooKeeper tab (requires Expert Mode). Navigate to radiantone/<version>/<clustername>/config/logging/log4j2-control-panel.json
. Click the Edit Mode button to modify the settings. Generally, these advanced settings should only be changed if advised by Radiant Logic.
Figure 3: Log4J Settings Applicable to the Main and Server Control Panels
Server Control Panel - Cluster Monitor
A special storage mounted at cn=clustermonitor is used to store historical information about the RadiantOne service’s statistics including CPU usage, memory usage, disk space, disk latency, and connection usage. This historical information is used to populate the graphs shown on the Server Control Panel -> Dashboard tab. An example is shown below.
Figure 4: Server Control Panel > Dashboard tab
The cluster monitor store is configurable from Main Control Panel > Settings > Logs > Clustermonitor. You can enable/disable the store from here and indicate a max age for the entries to prevent the contents from growing too large. Note – if you disable the cluster monitor store, no graphs display on the Server Control Panel -> Dashboard tab.
Figure 5: Cluster Monitor Log Settings
Context Builder
For auditing purposes, <RLI_HOME>/logs/contextbuilder_audit.log can be used. This log contains details about the files that were saved/created/deleted, the date/time the change occurred, and the current OS user that was using Context Builder.
VDSCONFIG Command Line Utility
Configuration commands issued using the vdsconfig utility can be logged. To enable logging of configuration requests using vdsconfig, navigate to <RLI_HOME>/config/advanced and edit Set vdsconfig.logging.enabled=true. Restart the RadiantOne service. If RadiantOne is deployed in a cluster, restart the service on all nodes. The log settings are configurable and initialized from <RLI_HOME>/config/logging/log4j2-vdsconfig.json
The default audit log is <RLI_HOME>/logs/vdsconfig.log.
If you want the admin name that issued the command logged, make sure you have enabled the setting to Require a UserID and Password to Execute Commands. For information about this setting, see the RadiantOne Command Line Configuration Guide.