Naming Context Commands
This chapter describes how to create persistent caches, naming contexts, proxy naming contexts, and backup images of RadiantOne Universal Directory (HDAP) stores. It also describes how to delete naming contexts and their caches. These commands can be set using the REST API.
Proxy Views and Universal Directory (HDAP) Stores
Proxy naming contexts and Universal Directory stores can be created and managed from the Main Control Panel, Directory Namespace tab.
The REST API can be used instead of the UI mentioned above.
This command creates a new database proxy naming context.
create-dbproxy -datasourcename <datasourcename> -namingcontext <namingcontext> - tables <tables> [-instance <instance>] [-rootnc <rootnc>]
Command Arguments:
- datasourcename <datasourcename>
[required] The name of the data source used to create the root naming context.
- namingcontext <namingcontext>
[required] The name of the naming context.
- tables <tables>
[required] The tables to include in your database proxy.
- instance <instance>
The name of the RadiantOne instance. If not specified, the default instance named vds_server is used.
- rootnc <rootnc>
true for root naming context, false to indicate a sub-level naming context.
REST (ADAP) Example In the following example, a request is made to create a database proxy called o=DBProxy.
This command creates a new LDAP proxy naming context.
create-ldapproxy -datasourcename <datasourcename> -namingcontext <namingcontext> [-instance <instance>] [-rootnc <rootnc>]
Command Arguments:
- datasourcename <datasourcename>
[required] The name of the data source used to create the root naming context.
- namingcontext <namingcontext>
[required] The name of the naming context.
- remotebasedn <remotebasedn>
[required] The base DN that the LDAP Proxy should point to on the remote LDAP data source.
- instance <instance>
The name of the RadiantOne instance. If not specified, the default instance named vds_server is used.
- rootnc <rootnc>
true for root naming context, false to indicate a sub-level naming context.
REST (ADAP) Example
In the following example, a request is made to create an LDAP proxy view (mounted at o=ldapproxy in the RadiantOne namespace) that points to a data source named corpdirectory with a base DN of o=companydirectory.
This command creates a new RadiantOne Universal Directory (HDAP) store naming context.
create-hdapstore -namingcontext <namingcontext> [-inactive] [-indexattr <indexattr>] [-instance <instance>] [-normalizenames] [-rootnc <rootnc>] [-schemacheck] [-sortedindexattr <sortedindexattr>]
Command Arguments:
- namingcontext <namingcontext>
[required] The name of the naming context.
- inactive
Creates the naming context but sets it as inactive (active by default).
- indexattr <indexattr>
The list of the attributes (comma-separated) to index.
- instance <instance>
The name of the RadiantOne instance. If not specified, the default instance named vds_server is used.
- normalizenames
ormalize attribute names (disabled by default).
- rootnc <rootnc>
true for root naming context, false to indicate a sub-level naming context.
- schemacheck
Enables schema checking on the RadiantOne Universal Directory (HDAP) store (disabled by
- sortedindexattr (sortedindexattr)
The list of the attributes (comma-separated) to maintain a sorted index for.
REST (ADAP) Example In the following example, a request is made to create a Universal Directory store mounted at o=hdap in the RadiantOne namespace.
This command creates a new virtual tree naming context.
create-vtree -namingcontext <namingcontext> [-dvxname <dvxname>] [-instance <instance>] [-rootnc <rootnc>]
Command Arguments:
- namingcontext <namingcontext>
[required] The name of the naming context.
- dvxname <dvxname>
The name of an existing view (dvx). If this is not specified, a new dvx is generated.
- instance <instance>
The name of the RadiantOne instance. If not specified, the default instance named vds_server is used.
- rootnc <rootnc>
True for root naming context, false to indicate a sub-level naming context.
REST (ADAP) Example
In the following example, a request is made to create a virtual tree naming context mounted at o=virtualtree in the RadiantOne namespace using a virtual view file named o_companyprofiles.dvx.
This command deletes a naming context.
delete-context -namingcontext <namingcontext> [-instance <instance>]
Command Arguments:
- namingcontext <namingcontext>
[required] The name of the naming context.
- instance <instance>
The name of the RadiantOne instance. If not specified, the default instance named vds_server is used.
REST (ADAP) Example
In the following example, a request is made to delete a Universal Directory store that is mounted at o=hdap in the RadiantOne namespace.
Persistent Cache
Persistent cache can be created and managed from the Main Control Panel, Directory Namespace tab.
The <RLI_HOME>/bin/vdsconfig utility can be used instead of the UI mentioned above.
T chisommand creates a persistent cache for a root naming context in the RadiantOne namespace. In multi-node clusters, this command must be executed on the RadiantOne leader node. For information on determining the RadiantOne leader, refer to the RadiantOne System Administration Guide.
Use the configure-real-time-pcache-sync-topology command to configure a real-time refresh.
create-pcache -namingcontext <namingcontext> [-autorefresh] [-indexattr <indexattr>] [-instance <instance>]
Command Arguments:
- namingcontext <namingcontext>
[required] The name of the naming context.
- indexattr <indexattr>
The list of the attributes (comma-separated) to index.
- instance <instance>
The name of the RadiantOne instance. If not specified, the default instance named vds_server is used.
REST (ADAP) Example
In the following example, a request is made to create a persistent cache on o=companyprofiles.
This command deletes an existing cache on a naming context.
delete-cache -namingcontext <namingcontext> [-instance <instance>]
Command Arguments:
- namingcontext <namingcontext>
[required] The name of the naming context.
- instance <instance>
The name of the RadiantOne instance. If not specified, the default instance named vds_server is used.
REST (ADAP) Example
In the following example, a request is made to delete a persistent cache on o= companyprofiles.
Backup and Restore RadiantOne Universal Directory Stores
Universal Directory (HDAP) stores can be backed up and restored from the Main Control Panel,Directory Namespace Tab, selected Universal Directory store.
The <RLI_HOME>/bin/vdsconfig utility can be used instead of the UI mentioned above.
This command creates a backup image of a RadiantOne Universal Directory store. This command can also be used on persistent cache stores. In multi-node clusters, this command must be executed on the RadiantOne leader node. For information on determining the RadiantOne leader, refer to the RadiantOne System Administration Guide.
backup-hdapstore -namingcontext <namingcontext> [-backupzip <backupzip>] [-instance <instance>] [-nocopy]
Command Arguments:
- namingcontext <namingcontext>
[required] The name of the naming context.
- backupzip <backupzip>
The full path to the directory where backup archives will be kept. If not specified, the default location of <RLI_HOME>/vds_server/data/oldbackup/<storage_name>-backup is used.
A compressed backup file is created in the location, in a folder named after the root naming context being backed up (i.e. o_companydirectory-backup). The naming convention for the compressed file is The compressed file is automatically encrypted using the RadiantOne server certificate keystore password.
- instance <instance>
The name of the RadiantOne instance. If not specified, the default instance named vds_server is used.
- nocopy
Indicates that the backup should not be archived (only the most recent backup image is kept). This means that a history of all backups is not maintained, and you won’t be able to restore a RadiantOne Universal Directory store from a previous, point in time. You will only be able to restore from the most recent backup. If -nocopy is not specified, a history of images is stored during every backup in the location dictated by the -backupdir argument.
REST (ADAP) Example
In the following example, a request is made to create a backup of a RadiantOne Universal Directory store located at o=hdap in the RadiantOne namespace.
This command restores a RadiantOne Universal Directory store back to the state of a given backup image. In multi-node clusters, this command must be executed on the RadiantOne leader node. For information on determining the RadiantOne leader, refer to the RadiantOne System Administration Guide. To restore from the most recent backup image do not pass a backupid in the command. To restore from a specific point in time, pass the applicable backupid in the command. Use the -list argument to obtain a list of possible backup ids for the given naming context.
The restore is performed using the compressed file located in the folder indicated in the - backupdir or -backupid argument. The compressed file is automatically decrypted using the RadiantOne server certificate keystore password. The server where you are restoring the RadiantOne Universal Directory store must have the same server certificate keystore password than the server where you created the backup from.
restore-hdapstore -namingcontext <namingcontext> [-backupzip <backupzip>] [-backupid <backupid>] [-instance <instance>] [-list]
Command Arguments:
- namingcontext <namingcontext>
[required] The name of the naming context.
- backupzip <backupzip>
The full path to the directory containing the backup files. Do not specify this option if you use the - backupid option.
- backupid <backupid>
The ID of an existing backup image. If this is not specified, the restore attempts to use the latest backup image found. Use the -list argument to obtain a list of possible backup ids for the given naming context.
- instance <instance>
The name of the RadiantOne instance. If this is not specified, the default instance named vds_server is used.
- list
Option used to print out the list of backup ids for the given naming context. Use this option first to get the list of backup ids as you must pass the backupid when you restore if you want to restore to a specific point in time.
REST (ADAP) Example
In the following example, a request is made to restore a RadiantOne Universal Directory store from a backup in the tmp directory.
https://<RadiantOneRESTEndpoint>/adap/util?action=vdsconfig&commandname=restore-hdapstore&namingcontext=o=hdap&backupzip=C:\tmp\\o_hdap-backup\ 2018 - 10 -
17_16- 42 -