

Admin Overview

This guide provides an overview of the Admin home screen and its features. From the Admin screen, you can access tabs to manage your account settings, Environment Operation Center users, environment alerts and integrations, and monitor cluster health.

All Env Ops Center users can access the Admin screen, but view and edit permissions differ depending on a user's assigned role. For details on role-based permissions, see the role-based permissions guide.

Getting started

To navigate to the Admin screen, select Admin ( image description ) located at the bottom of the left navigation.

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Top navigation

A navigation bar is located at the top of the Admin home screen and is visible from all tabs in the Admin view. The top navigation allows you to access several account and user management tools through the following tabs:

  • Users
  • Alerts
  • Integration
  • Activity Log
  • Settings

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The Users tab allows you to manage all users within your Environment Operation Center instance. From here you can view a user's name, email address, and status.

For details on managing Environment Operation Center users, including their roles and permissions, see the user management guide.

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From the Alerts tab you can monitor and create alerts for your environments. The main Alerts screen displays all of your current alerts including their associated environment, notification channel, a time and date stamp of the last update to the alert, and the severity status.

For more information on alert management, see the alert management guide.

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From the Integrations tab you can manage your connections to external applications to send alerts from Environment Operations Center. The Integrations tab displays the integration "Label", indicating the integrations purpose, and the "Integration", indicating the external application the integration is connected to.

For details on managing integrations, see the managing integrations guide.

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Activity Log

The Activity Log provides an overview of all create, update, and delete activities performed for all environments, including the action, environment, date and time stamp of the activity, and the user who performed the activity.

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The settings provides options to setup release channels and also automatic/manual update checks for the channel

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Next steps

After reading this guide you should be able to navigate the Admin home screen and understand its main features including the top navigation. For details on updating your account settings, review the account settings guide. To learn how to create a new user, review the create a new user guide.


  • Getting started
  • Top navigation
  • Users
  • Alerts
  • Integration
  • Activity Log
  • Settings
  • Next steps