

Create a Global Identity Builder project

Each Global Identity Builder project builds a unique reference list of identities from disparate data sources. Overlapping identities are linked based on correlation rules and the entries are joined into a global profile. If there are no overlapping users, the global profile is a complete, aggregated list of unique identities. Clients of the RadiantOne service can leverage the global profile view to identify and authenticate users and retrieve profile attributes to enforce authorization and personalization.

When you first launch the Global Identity Builder tool, there are no projects defined, so you are presented with a welcome page.

  1. Select Get Started!.

  2. Define the project properties and select Save Changes.

  3. Add identity sources to your project and select Save Changes.

  4. Select Upload/Sync to upload identities into the global profile.

After a project has been created, common issues may arise that require manual interventions to resolve. These interventions are described in the following sections:

Additionally, after initial creation, the project must be maintained to be kept up to date. This maintenance can be managed with real-time persistent cache refresh which keeps your identity sources synchronized with the global profile.