

Data Binding

Data binding allows to obtain information stored in the ledger. Objects declared in the data binding block will obtain information from a view and after they will become sources of data that can be used by several widgets.

The Data Binding process works like this:

Data Binding

There are three type of objects supported in the data binding block:

  • Record
  • Dataset
  • HierarchicalDataset

View Binding

All the data-binding objects support obtaining information from a view. We can use the view attribute for this.

view: br_identity

This will link the object to the view with the identifier br_identity. We can Ctrl-Click on the view identifier to directly open the view using the view editor.

We can also send values to the parameters of the view. The syntax to send values to the parameters of the view is:

view: view_identifier with (value) to paramName [unless-empty]

(value) can be:

  • Constants of any kind ( String, Int , Boolean, etc...)
  • Parameters of the page, using the parameter identifier
  • Variables of the page, using the variable identifier

paramName is the name of the parameter in the view, we can use Ctrl + space to activate autocompletion and see the options.

[unless-empty] is optional. If its given and the value of (value) is empty , the parameter will not be sent to the view. The view will act the same as it does when the parameter is not set.

We can send several parameters:

view: view_identifier with
    (value) to paramName [unless-empty],
    (value2) to paramName2 [unless-empty]

Values that are sent can be modified before sending using one of the many transformation functions, for example:

view: br_organisations with Concat ( "%", displaynamefilter, "%") to displayname

This will take advantage of the "Looks like" filter used in the view by adding '%' before and after the value.

Timeslot Selection

When using the view data-binding option, it could be helpful to be able to chose the timeslot that we want to use to execute our view.

The portalallows the user to select a timeslot. This is the timeslot that will be used when executing all the views.

This can be changed by using the timeslot attribute of the data binding objects. Some options and examples:

timeslot: uidOfTimeslot

timeslot: FromPage (-1)

In this example, the timeslot will be the previous timeslot. The one that is before the selected timeslot in the page.

timeslot: FromPortal (-1)

In this example, the timeslot will be the previous timeslot. The one that is before the selected timeslot in the web portal.


A record is an object that represents 1 item of a view. This item is obtained from 1 row of the linked view.
In the standard behavior, the record object will execute the view and then take the first returned row.

identity = Record {
    view: br_identityDetail with selectedIdentityUid to uid


  • view (required) attribute that makes reference to the data binding instruction
  • timeslot used for timeslot selection

Since a record is a single item, we can make reference to the values of their columns like this:

It can be used in all places where a page variable could be used. For example:

Text {
    value: identity.fullname

Here is a full example:


import "/webportal/pages/resources/"
import "/webportal/pages/resources/"

test = Page {
    title: 'test'
    homepage-for: Any priority 100

    identityuid = Variable
    idendityname = Variable

    identityDetails = Record {
        view: br_identityDetail with
            identityuid to uid unless-empty  

    Text {
        label: 'Pick an identity'
        value: idendityname
            Commands {
                Command {
                        Dialog identityPicker (
                            identityuid from outUid,
                            idendityname from outDisplayname
    Text {
        label: $identity.hrcode
        value: identityDetails.hrcode
        compact: True
    Text {
        label: $identity.givenname
        value: identityDetails.givenname
        compact: True
    Text {
        label: $identity.surname
        value: identityDetails.surname
        compact: True
    Text {
        label: $identity.mail
        value: identityDetails.mail
        compact: True
    Text {
        label: $
        compact: True

When testing this example you will notice something interesting:
The details start empty (hrcode, given name, ...). This is normal: As nothing as been selected, the record object is empty because it refers to a view who need a parameter to execute (uid).
As soon as you select an identity, it fulfills the identityuid variable which is used as a parameter for the record.
The Page engine detects that the record needs to be updated and execute the view. As the record content changed, all widgets are updated in turn.
This waterfall update is done automatically, you don't have anything to do!


A dataset represents all the items returned by a view

organisations = Dataset {
    view: br_organisation


  • view (required) attribute that makes reference to the data binding instruction
  • timeslot used for timeslot selection

We can send values to parameters like with Records but a Dataset is always expected to return several results.
For this reason, the datasets require to be iterated and can only be used by widgets that support Iteration.
Some of them: Tables, Tiles, Text, Link, Grid.

Datasets can offer much more data binding features. See the advanced data binding segment for more information.

Here is a full example:


import "/webportal/pages/resources/"

test = Page {
    title: 'test'
    homepage-for: Any priority 100

    filter = Variable

    identities = Dataset {
        view: br_identity
            with Concat('%',filter,'%') to surname

    Edit {
        label: 'filter by surname'
        variable: filter

    Table {
        data: identities
        layout: Layout { grab: horizontal True vertical True }
        Column {
            header: $identity.hrcode
            column: hrcode
        Column {
            header: $identity.givenname
            column: givenname
        Column {
            header: $identity.surname
            column: surname
        Column {
            header: $identity.mail
            column: mail

Once again, when testing this example you will notice that the table content will be refreshed on the fly, based on the content of the edit field (the filter).
This is done thanks to the waterfall updates managed by the Page engine: As soon as it detects that the filter variable content changed, it executes the dataset and update the corresponding widgets.

Hierarchical Dataset

A hierarchical dataset is a very particular dataset in which each item can be linked to 1 parent (another item).

Views used with this datasets should be designed to include hierarchy information.

Considering the following view (br_organistation_tree):

Hierarchical Dataset

We can create a hierarchical dataset based on it:

organisationTree = HierarchicalData {
    view: br_organisation_tree
    initial: parent_uid IsNull
    connect: parent uid to child parent_uid

initial: parent_uid IsNull

connect: parent uid to child parent_uid


  • view attribute that makes reference to the data binding instruction
  • timeslot used for timeslot selection
  • initial condition to identify the initial element of the tree
  • connect condition to identify the link item -> item parent

Hierarchical Datasets are very particular and are supported by a very limited number of widgets.
The Tree widgets will display:

The Tree widgets

Here is the full example:

import "/webportal/pages/resources/"

test = Page {
    title: 'test'
    homepage-for: Any priority 100

    organisations = Dataset {
        view: br_organisation_tree

    organisationTree = HierarchicalData {
        view: br_organisation_tree
        initial: parent_uid IsNull
        connect: parent uid to child parent_uid

    Tree {
        data: organisationTree
        layout: Layout { grab: horizontal True vertical True }
        Column {
            header: $organisation.shortname
            column: shortname

Master/Details pages

As discussed earlier, the pages engine takes care of propagating the changes automatically.
This helps you to provide dynamic GUIs to your users without having to deal with complex screen refresh strategy.

We will illustrate this with a common user interface: a master/detail page.

In a master/detail page, by selecting an item on a list and you display its details automatically.

Here is what it looks like:

Master/Details pages

In order to do this, you have to declare at least 2 views: one for the master section (the list) and another one for the detail section (the entries).
You will have to instruct the second view to be updated based on the selection on the first view.

Here is the source of this example:

/* Import other pages here */
import "/webportal/pages/resources/"

/* Nationalized labels here */
masterdetailsNLS = NLS {
    title [en "Master Details Sample" fr "Master Details Sample"]
    masterviewtable.hrcode [en "Identity HR code" fr "Identity HR code"]
    masterviewtable.fullname [en "Identity full name" fr "Identity full name"]
    detailviewtable.jobtitledisplayname [en "Job title display name" fr "Job title display name"]
    detailviewtable.mail [en "Identity mail" fr "Identity mail"]
    detailviewtable.organisationshortname [en "Organization short name" fr "Organization short name"]
    detailviewtable.organisationcode [en "Organization key" fr "Organization key"]
    detailviewtable.typedisplayname [en "Organization type display name" fr "Organization type display name"]
    detailviewtable.fullname [en "Identity full name" fr "Identity full name"]
    detailviewtable.hrcode [en "Identity HR code" fr "Identity HR code"]
    detailviewtable.organisationdisplayname [en "Organization display name" fr "Organization display name"]
    detailviewtable.jobtitlecode [en "Job title code" fr "Job title code"]

masterdetails = Page {
    title: $masterdetailsNLS.title
    homepage-for: All

    /* Parameters here */

    /* Variables here */
    selectionVariable = Variable { type: String }

    /* Datasets and records here */
    masterViewDataset = Dataset {
        view: masterView
    detailViewRecord = Record {
        view: detailView with
            selectionVariable to uid

    /* Page content */
    Splitter {
        disposition: Horizontal
        Group {
            Table {
                data: masterViewDataset
                show-filter: True
                show-count: True
                hide-header: False
                layout: Layout { grab: horizontal True vertical True }
                Column {
                    column: uid
                    selection: selectionVariable
                    hidden: True
                Column {
                    column: hrcode
                    header: $masterdetailsNLS.masterviewtable.hrcode
                    sortable: True
                    filterable: True
                    width: 50%
                Column {
                    column: fullname
                    header: $masterdetailsNLS.masterviewtable.fullname
                    sortable: True
                    filterable: True
                    width: 50%
        Group {
            Text {
                compact: True
                label: $masterdetailsNLS.detailviewtable.jobtitledisplayname
                value: detailViewRecord.jobtitledisplayname
            Text {
                compact: True
                label: $masterdetailsNLS.detailviewtable.mail
                value: detailViewRecord.mail
            Text {
                compact: True
                label: $masterdetailsNLS.detailviewtable.organisationshortname
                value: detailViewRecord.organisationshortname
            Text {
                compact: True
                label: $masterdetailsNLS.detailviewtable.organisationcode
                value: detailViewRecord.organisationcode
            Text {
                compact: True
                label: $masterdetailsNLS.detailviewtable.typedisplayname
                value: detailViewRecord.typedisplayname
            Text {
                compact: True
                label: $masterdetailsNLS.detailviewtable.fullname
                value: detailViewRecord.fullname
            Text {
                compact: True
                label: $masterdetailsNLS.detailviewtable.hrcode
                value: detailViewRecord.hrcode
            Text {
                compact: True
                label: $masterdetailsNLS.detailviewtable.organisationdisplayname
                value: detailViewRecord.organisationdisplayname
            Text {
                compact: True
                label: $masterdetailsNLS.detailviewtable.jobtitlecode
                value: detailViewRecord.jobtitlecode

The magic trick is in the selectionVariable
This variable is updated with the selected identity UID when the user clic on a line on the Table

Column {
    column: uid
    selection: selectionVariable
    hidden: True

This variable is used in turn as a parameter of the detail view:

detailViewRecord = Record {
    view: detailView with
        selectionVariable to uid

As the pages engine automatically propagate the changes with a waterfall effect, the Record is updated on each variable change (a new SQL request is issued to the Identity Ledger) and the widgets who use this record are updated in turn, such as this one.

Text {
    compact: True
    label: $masterdetailsNLS.detailviewtable.organisationdisplayname
    value: detailViewRecord.organisationdisplayname

This is as easy as that, you have nothing to do to deal wih widget updates, this is fully automated!

Here are the corresponding views:

Master view

Master view

Detail view (with the parameter)

Detail View