



Tickets are used to keep a trace of workflow instances and the actions requested during their execution.
They allow you to do delta reviews, list remediations, produce compliance reports, etc.
Tickets are created in the Brainwave Ledger, and can be retrieved via views.
There are three type of tickets:

  • ticketLog
  • ticketAction
  • ticketReview


TicketLog creation

A ticketLog is a ticket linked to a process instance.
To create a ticketLog, you have to activate it in the Start component, under the "Ticket" tab:

Ticket creation

The consequence is that you will have a ticketLog created in the Ledger for each instance of the process. This works for processes launched manually, or processes that are started by a parent.
The fields available for TicketLogs are:

  • Ticket Status: the status of the Ticket (usually Open once started, Closed once terminated)
  • Ticket Description: usually the instance title (Review campaign X123)
  • Ticket Priority: 1, 2 or 3 (or low, medium or high)
  • Ticket Type: the type of the ticket (for instance the workflow identifier), this will help you filter tickets for a given .workflow
  • Custom attributes (1 to 9)

TicketLog Identifier

You can retrieve the ticket identifier from the "output" tab in an attribute (of type Number Icon ticketNumber below):

Ticket Identifier

If you check the option "Create also the ticket action for the initial task which triggered the process creation", you will create a ticketAction (see below) that corresponds to the manual start activity. You can also retrieve the ticket identifier in an attribute (of type Number Icon , ticketAction above).

The ticket number is not the recorduid of the TicketLog. It is a sequential number depending on the workflow definition name. For example, il you have 2 process definitions (OrgReview and AppReview), process instances for OrgReview will be numbered from 1 and process instances for AppReview will also be numbered from 1.

Since workflows can call other workflows, tickets are linked when this is the case, so that you can use parent and/or child link in the views. For instance:

Ticket views and links

TicketLog title nationalization

All declared nationalization for ticket title are stored in other titles attributes as plain text.

#Wed Mar 21 15:01:09 CET 2018
  fr=FR Workflow de test
  en=test ticketaction en
  es=ES Flujo de trabajo de prueba

Ticket Title nationalization

To get only the title in the desired language you need to call specific method in a javascript expression by adding new computed column.


Ticket Title nationalization


TicketAction creation

A ticketAction is linked to a manual activity (an action done in the portal by a user).
You can activate a ticketAction creation in the "Ticket" tab of any manual activity:

Ticket creation

The fields available for TicketActions are:

  • Action Status: the status of the action
  • Action Description: the description of the manual activity (usually the manual activity's displayname)
  • Custom attributes (1 to 9)

TicketAction Identifier

You can retrieve the ticket identifier from the "output" tab in an attribute (of type Number Icon , ticketaction below):

Ticket Identifier

Since activities are done inside a process instance, you can link activities to their instances in views:

Ticket views and links

TicketAction Title nationalization

All declared nationalization for ticket title are stored in other titles attributes as plain text.

#Wed Mar 21 15:01:09 CET 2018
fr=FR Workflow de test
en=test ticketaction en
es=ES Flujo de trabajo de prueba

Ticket Title nationalization

To get only the title in the desired language you need to call specific method in a javascript expression by adding new computed column.


Ticket Title nationalization


TicketReview creation

A ticketReview is linked to a manual activity (for instance a manager's review of his team's accounts). To create ticketReviews, you have to add the ticketReview component to workflow:

Ticket Title nationalization

Open the "Ticket" tab to set the ticket review's attributes:

  • Status: the status of the review ticket (for instance the review status made by the manager: ok, revoke, modify)
  • Comment: the ticket review comment (for instance the review comment made by the manager)
  • Custom attributes (1 to 19)

TicketActions can be linked to objects from the ledger, this is done in the corresponding tabs:

Link with objects from the Ledger

This means that if you want to link to rights an accounts, you will have to use two ticketReview components in the workflow.

Automatic iteration

The ticketReview component will automatically iterate on the variables used. This includes variables used for the ticket creation (status, comment and custom attributes) and the variables used to link the ticket to objects in the ledger. Keep this in mind, since it is a common mistake. If you use a mono-valued attribute, only the first ticketReview will get a value.

Ticket Identifier

You can retrieve the identifiers of the tickets that have been created in a multivalued attribute in the "Output" tab:

Ticket Identifier

You can link ticketReviews to their parent ticketAction, and to ledger objects, for instance:

Ticket views and links

Remediation Ticket

When you implement a remediation workflow you should map Variable holding parent review tickets, this mapped variable needs to be:

  • Multivalued
  • Have the same size as remediation ticket that will be created
  • The value contains the ticket review RecordUid

Ticket remediation

Linking between tickets

For each created remediation Ticket, a new TicketLog and TicketAction are created, the TicketLog is linked to the parent ticket review (Variable holding parent review tickets).

The mapped TicketAction is used to get the TicketLog and map the same information to the newly created TicketLog and TicketAction.

Ticket review display name

Is is possible to set manually a display name for a ticket review. If not set product will automatically calculate a display name for you.

The calculated display name will contain information about reviewed elements

Ticket review display name

Ticket review display name calculation

The following table illustrates how the display name is calculated for each ticket review type:

Ticket review type
Display Name


fullname (hrcode)


displayname (code)


displayname (code) / applicationdisplayname


login (username) / repositorydisplayname


displayname (code) / repositorydisplayname


displayname (code)




identitydisplayname / jobtitledisplayname / organisationdisplayname

Reconciliations (user account)

accountlogin / identityfullname

Reconciliations (technical account)

accountlogin (noownercode)

Reconciliations (leaver account)

accountlogin / identityfullname (leave leavedate)


displayname (code)


displayname (code)

Manager (Boss)

bossFullname / identityFullname (operational)


accountlogin (accountusername) / permissiondisplayname (permissioncode) / applicationdisplayname

Folder rights

accountlogin (accountusername) / rightbasic / permissioncode / share

Organizations managers

managerfullname / organisationdisplayname (expertisedomaindisplayname)

Application managers

managerfullname / applicationdisplayname (expertisedomaindisplayname)

Permissions managers

managerfullname / permissiondisplayname (expertisedomaindisplayname)

Group managers

managerfullname / groupdisplayname / repositorydisplayname (expertisedomaindisplayname)

Repository managers

managerfullname / repositorydisplayname (expertisedomaindisplayname)

Account group links

accountlogin (accountdisplayname) / groupdisplayname (repositorydisplayname)

Group links

group1displayname - repository1displayname / group2displayname - repository2displayname

Permission link

perm1displayname (perm1code) / perm2displayname (perm2code) / applicationdisplayname

Raw permission link

perm1displayname (perm1code) - application1displayname / prem2 displayname (perm2code) - application2displayname

Raw rights

accountlogin (accountusername) / permissiondisplayname (permissioncode) / applicationdisplayname

Right groups

groupdisplayname - repositorydisplayname / permissiondisplayname (permissioncode) / applicationdisplayname