

Global parameters

  hostname: localhost
  timezone: Europe/Paris
  tls: false

Modifications to any of the attributes in the globals config section requires a full stop and start of the services.
To do so:

  • brainwave stop
  • brainwave start

Database configuration

Internal Database

To deploy an internal PostgreSQL database as a containerized service, use this config in the Brainwavefile

  type: internal

The internal database is already initialized with the 3 schemas ( igrc , activiti and auditlog ). So its ready to use out of the box.


To expose the postgresql port of the internal database, it is possible to set the option expose_port :

  type: internal
  expose_port: 5432

You can use any available port, and it will be redirected the internal PostgreSQL port. There is a single user in this database: igrc

To obtain the password that allows to connect using the user igrc, go to the config UI at <hostname>/config. Search for the secret id BW_DATABASE_INTERNAL_SECRET in the Secrets Manager.

Internal database name is brainwave.

Alternatively, to access the internal database, when the debug services are activated. An instance of pgadmin is accesible at <hostname>/pgadmin and the internal database will be pre-configured.

External Database

To prepare an external PostgreSQL database:

  • Create 3 users: igrc , activiti and auditlog

  • Create 1 schema by user that matches the user name. Each user should own its corresponding schema

    • the igrc user should own the igrc schema
    • the activiti user should own the activiti schema
    • the auditlog user should own the auditlog schema
  • Declare the database information in the Brainwavefile. Here an example:

  type: external
  hostname: myhostname
  port: 5432
  dbname: brainwave
  driver: postgresql
    username: igrc
    password: $(DB_LEDGER_SECRET)
    username: activiti
    password: $(DB_WORKFLOW_SECRET)
    username: auditlog
    password: $(DB_AUDITLOG_SECRET)
  • Visit the Configuration UI at <hostname>/config , to provide the values for the secrets: DB_LEDGER_SECRET , DB_WORKFLOW_SECRET and DB_AUDITLOG_SECRET using the secrets manager

Database initialization

There is an option to initialize the external database automatically. The option is called auto_init and its disabled by default. Add it to the Brainwavefile like this:

  type: external
  hostname: myhostname
  port: 5432
  dbname: brainwave
  driver: postgresql
  auto_init: true
    username: igrc
    password: $(DB_LEDGER_SECRET)
    username: activiti
    password: $(DB_WORKFLOW_SECRET)
    username: auditlog
    password: $(DB_AUDITLOG_SECRET)

IGRC Project from GIT

The igrc project that is deployed in both portal and batch containers is taken from a git repository.

A full mirror of the git repository is cloned and maintained in a volume. This speeds up the process of taking the most recent version when restarting the portal or starting the batch.

If the configuration of the IGRC project is not complete, the portal will not start. Go to <hostname>/config to verify that the remote git is well configured and that the password is set in the Secrets Manager.

Configuration looks like this:

    username: myusername
    password: $(IGRC_PROJECT_GIT_SECRET)
    project_dir: projectname
    branch: uat

For this example the clone command will look like

git clone https://myusername:[email protected]/ericbacher/pkg_iap.git

Make sure to provide a value for secret IGRC_PROJECT_GIT_SECRET using the Secrets Manager.

The specified branch is polled regularly to check for new commits. See the Scheduling section for more information.

Restarting the portal manually is also possible using the command:

brainwave portal restart


The scheduling section of the config allows to set the automated execution of 3 tasks:

  • batch execution
  • extraction executions
  • portal monitoring

Cron expressions are used to configure the frequency of each of the tasks. Refer to a tool like as a guide for cron expressions.

    batch: "0 1 * * *"     ## every day at 1 am
    extract: "0 * * * *"   ## every hour
    portal: "0 1 * * *"    ## every day at 1 am

Batch Scheduling

Any valid cron expression is supported. When the task is executed, a batch execution request is sent to the controller. The controller will register the request as coming from principal 'scheduler'.

Scheduled batch requests will be visible from the controller UI.

Extraction Scheduling

Any valid cron expression is supported. When the task is executed, the controller will receive a request to check if any of the declared connectors requires an extraction.

Portal Monitoring

The goal of this task is to monitor the IGRC project git repository to check for changes in the project. If changes are detected, the portal is restarted.

Only simple cron expressions are supported here ( , - and / and any non-standard expressions are not supported ). When the action is executed , 2 tasks are triggered:

  • Update the local mirror of the git repository that contains the project
  • Check for changes and restart the portal if changes are found

There is a 5 minutes delay between the 2 tasks.

Portal Unload Delay

The portal can be requested to stop the webapps, this will happen either manually when using the command brainwave stop , either automatically as a result of the portal monitoring scheduling.

Unload Delay is the allowed time that the portal can take to stop all the services. After this delay, the portal can be killed.

By default, the unload delay is set to 20 minutes . This value is considered to be enough for most cases. However, in some projects that handle long and complicated workflows, the portal can take longer than that to stop properly. For this reason, it is possible to override the default value of the Unload Delay:

    batch: "0 1 * * *"
    extract: "0 * * * *"
    portal: "0 1 * * *"
      unload_delay: 1200000    ## value in milliseconds

IGRC Batch

In this section we can configure the name of the IGRC technical configuration to be used when executing the batch

    name: default


This section allows to configure the mail options that will end up in the file for both portal and batch.

    username: user
    password: $(SMTP_SECRET)
    port: 25
    host: smtphostname
  redirect_to: mail@domain


When the debug mode is activated, we deploy these services

  • pgadmin ( available at <hostname>/pgadmin )
  • smtp4dev ( available at <hostname>/smtp4dev )
    enabled: false  ## true or false

Modifications to this flag requires a full stop and start of the services.