

Azure connector configuration

This documentation describes how to use scripts provided by Identity Analytics to extract the objects (groups, accounts ...) from Azure Active Directory environments. The provided script has been designed to simplify the data extraction to obtain the importfiles required for the Identity Analytics AD Azure add-on.

The script allows to extract the objects managed in Azure Active Directory such as users, groups, groups members and groups owners.

The extraction script is stored in bwconnectors/

Azure configuration

To allow the extraction of data the registration of an application is necessary in Azure. We recommend the creation of a dedicated application for the Identity Analytics service.

You will need to store

  • The application (client) Id
  • The client secret
  • The azure tenant Id

To create the application registration please follow these steps.

Application creation

  1. Connect to your Azure Active Directory admin center and navigate to the "All services" page
  2. Click on "Azure Active Directory"

Application creation
3. Navigate to the "App registrations" tab 4. click "New registration" to register a new application
Application creation
5. Enter the desired name for your application, for example "AD Azure Data Extraction" 6. Select the type of accounts that can access the application. We recommend using the single tenant option: "Accounts in the organizational directory only"
Application creation
7. In Redirect URI select the "Public client (mobile & desktop)" option in the dedicated combo 8. Finally click on "Register"
9. Once the application is created copy and store the "Application (client) ID". This parameter will be used in the Identity Analytics service to configure the extractor
Application creation

Application permission configuration

  1. Withtin the newly created app, navigate to the "API permissions" menu
  2. click on "Add a permission"
  3. Select the "Microsoft Graph" API

13. Click on "Application permissions"
14. Search and check "Directory.Read.All"
15. Search and check "Member.Read.hidden"
16. Add the selected permissions
17. Using an admin account grant consent fo the requested permissions 18. Confirm the grant

Once consents done, you should have the following status:

Application Certificates & secrets

  1. In the application page now Click on "Certificates & secrets"
  2. Add a "New client secrets"
  3. Provide a description for the client secret and select the desired expiration date
  4. click on "Add".



Portal configuration

Configure the connector

  1. Open The 'Datasource Management -> configuration' Menu
  2. Click on Add

Add connector
3. Select Azure Active Directory 4. Click on next
Add connector
5. Fill the field with the right informations and click on next

  • The datasource name should not contain any space.
  • The application id and tenant id correspond to the one we created earlier.
  • The client secret si the one you created earlier in the azure application. If you did not kept it, you can just recreate one.

Add connector
Add connector
6. Select the frequency you want for your azure data to be collected
7. Click next
Add connector
8. Click on finish
Add connector
9. Additionally, if you want to double check or modify your connector parameters, you can edit it like this
Add connector

Extractor validation

Using the controller you can test the configuration of your extractor by performing a test extraction.

Please refer to the controller documentation here for more information.

The execution of the Azure Active Directory script generates 4 csv files. These files are:

  • domainName_users.csv
  • domainName_groups.csv
  • domainName_groups_members.csv
  • domainName_groups_owners.csv