


Troubleshooting is an integral part of running a solution. The following documentation will provide you with a list of common errors that have been encountered when installing and running the solution.

This is not an exhaustive list, and it'll will updated regularly.
Please don't hesitate to contact the support services if you wish to update or apply a revision to the current pages.

Locating the log files

Docker runtime

brainwave logs to see logs from all containers brainwave logs bwportal to see the logs from the portal brainwave logs bwbatch to see the logs from the batch

Location on Disk

For the Portal and Batch services, the logs can also be found on disk.

Server mode

In server mode the logs are located in the following folder:

  • /var/log/brainwave

Desktop mode

Please use the docker UI to find the volume that is called *_bwlogs.

If you are using Docker Desktop with WSL2 ( strongly recommended ). You can reach the docker volumes in the following path:

Log level

The default log level is 0 (info).

You can choose to increase the log level using the -d or --debug N arguments.

You can decrease the logs level using the -q or --quiet N arguments.

The log level is valid for the current command only (it is not persisted).
It only impacts the CLI, not the docker logs.

You can use it with the CLI command.
For example: brainwave start --debug 3

Available log levels are:

  • Trace: 2, -dd, or --debug 2
  • Debug: 1, -d, or --debug 1
  • Info: 0, the default
  • Warning: -1, -q, or --quiet 1
  • Error: -2, -qq, or --quiet 2

Common errors

Application won't start

The application can fail to start due to different reasons.

brainwave start
● Starting application
√ Start logs [Complete]
√ Start vault [Complete]
√ Generate configuration [Complete]
‼ Get Project [Disabled] (Git configuration incomplete)
× Start application [Failed]
× Failed to start application:
  exit status 1

Check the license

Did you upload a license file in the /config app, in the Uploads section?

You can check that the license has been saved in the vault using the following command:

docker exec <vault-id> pass show BW_LICENSE

Checking the CLI logs

When This occurs to help identify the container at the root of the issue you can navigate to the folder that contains the logs of the CLI:

cd /usr/local/brainwave/logs

This folder contains the logs file for the CLI: brainwave_yyyyMMdd.log. Once the container responsible for the failure identified you can query the logs of the container by using the standard command:

brainwave logs <container>

Certificates & TLS

Folder rights

If you have trouble starting your instance with TLS active, check the permissions of the /etc/brainwave/certificates folder and its contents:

  • The owner and group should be brainwave; to fix it, run:
    • Run sudo chown brainwave:brainwave /etc/brainwave/certificates
  • You need read and execute permissions for all users (not just owner and group); to fix it, run:
    • sudo chmod a+rx /etc/brainwave/certificates
    • sudo chmod a+rx /etc/brainwave/certificates/*

Invalid certificate

[//]: ## TODO


If in the CLI logs you find the following error:

Container brainwave-bwbrainwavedb-1
dependency failed to start: container brainwave-bwbrainwavedb-1 is unhealthy

when querying the logs fo the bwbrainwavedb container you find the following errors:

brainwave-bwbrainwavedb-1  | Operation timed out
brainwave-bwbrainwavedb-1  | Operation timed out
brainwave-bwbrainwavedb-1  | Operation timed out
brainwave-bwbrainwavedb-1  | Operation timed out
brainwave-bwbrainwavedb-1  | Operation timed out
brainwave-bwbrainwavedb-1  | Operation timed out
brainwave-bwbrainwavedb-1  | Operation timed out
brainwave-bwbrainwavedb-1  | Operation timed out
brainwave-bwbrainwavedb-1  | Operation timed out
brainwave-bwbrainwavedb-1  | Operation timed out
brainwave-bwbrainwavedb-1  | Operation timed out
brainwave-bwbrainwavedb-1  | Operation timed out
brainwave-bwbrainwavedb-1  | Operation timed out

Please check the configuration of your firewall.
The following commands were used to update the firewall settings accordingly to CentOS. These commands are provided as an example:

sudo firewall-cmd --list-all
sudo firewall-cmd --get-zones

If no docker zone is listed in the final command you can add the docker zone by using:

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --new-zone=docker

You can check if which zones are active using the following command:

sudo firewall-cmd --get-active-zones

If the docker zone isn't activated, add the docker0 interface to the docker zone by using the following commands:

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=docker --change-interface=docker0

Once activated it is necessary to add a rich rule to your firewall within the docker zone to allow communication between the containers:

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=docker --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address= masquerade'

After applying the changes to your firewall reload the service:

sudo firewall-cmd --reload

You can also use the following command to check the application of the rule:

sudo firewall-cmd --list-rich-rules --zone=docker

It is necessary to restart docker for the changes to be taken into account:

sudo systemctl restart docker

Once all operations done you can relaunch the service using:

brainwave start


Common errors preventing the portal from loading:

  • Wrong Git credentials
    • You need to use an Access token
  • Wrong Project directory value
    • This must match the name of the folder on the Git repository that contains the project (by default: brainwave)
  • Wrong JDBC library (jar) version
    • You need the JDBC for Java 11

Wrong project directory

The Project directory value in the /config/git page must match the name of the folder on the Git repository that contains the project (by default: brainwave).
If it does not, the bwportal container will fail to start, and by running docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f server-mode-resources.yml up --no-deps bwportal, you will see the following error in the logs:

sandbox-bwportal-1  | [init] 21-Jun-2023 09:35:02.707 INFO [INIT] Copy full project to /usr/local/bwapp/app
sandbox-bwportal-1  | Traceback (most recent call last):
sandbox-bwportal-1  |   File "", line 201, in <module>
sandbox-bwportal-1  |   File "", line 555, in copytree
sandbox-bwportal-1  | FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/local/bwprojectclone/identityanalytics'
sandbox-bwportal-1  | [37] Failed to execute script 'docker-init' due to unhandled exception!
sandbox-bwportal-1 exited with code 0

Portal indefinitely loading

When navigating to localhost or the configured url and the portal is not available. Please check the following steps to validate the configuration.

First Navigate to the secrets manager to make sure the password for the git repository is set. If incorrectly set update the password in the configuration UI (/config) and click on 'Save Config'. This will restart the portal.

If after a few minutes the portal is still not up then on the Docker server hosting Identity Analytics check the logs of the project by using the command brainwave logs bwproject. This will show if errors occurred while cloning the git repository. This could be related to an authentication issue or a if the network is unreachable.

You should also heck the logs of the portal using the command brainwave logs bwportal on the Docker host. This will show errors in the configuration of the database for example (Injector configuration invalid).

You can also try restarting the service by first running the command brainwave stop and then brainwave start. You can follow the steps detailed above to locate potential issues in the configuration.

Client error, Browser-Widget can not access unkown domain (unknown domain)

When starting your portal for the first time you might get the Client Error pop-up. When clicking on details here is the stack tou get:

Error: Operation "call" on target "w172" of type "rwt.widgets.Browser" failed:
Browser-Widget can not access unkown domain from "debian-11:443".

Parameters: {"functions":["__ppDispatchClientMessage"]}

Stack: rwt.remote.MessageProcessor._processError@https://debian-11/app/rwt-resources/3210/resources.js:269:26

Where debian-11 is the hostname of the system (yours might differ).
The solution is to provide only lowercase letters when configuring the hostname with brainwave config --hostname.
So, brainwave config --hostname LocalHost.local is in correct, you should use brainwave config --hostname localhost.local instead.

Workflow issues

If you can't start tasks in the web app and have the Cannot start workflow error message in the portal logs, check the schema of the user database user.

If you are using the integrated Postgre SQL database, this is set by the search_path parameter:

docker exec <projectname>-bwdatabase-1 psql -d brainwave -U igrc -c 'show search_path;'
(1 row)

You can set it to the default values for the integrated database as follows:

docker exec <projectname>-bwdatabase-1 psql -d brainwave -U igrc -c 'ALTER ROLE igrc SET search_path = i
grc, activiti, auditlog, public;'

Pulling issues

If the pull fails, for example with:

Cannot pull some image:
cannot pull all images from registry and tag version-1.2.156: exit status 1

Then try to manually pull the image(s) that fail directory using the docker pull command. For example:

docker pull

False positives

These error are thrown as such in the logs but do not actually prevent the application from functioning correctly:

Failed to add user 'master-admin'

/brainwave-bwauth-1    2023-05-10 15:17:55,390 ERROR [] (main) KC-SERVICES0010: Failed to add user 'master-admin' to realm 'master': user with username exists

Starting containers manually

If the brainwave start command is stuck at the Start application step, it can be because one container did not start, and the others are waiting on it (dependencies).

The most likely suspect is the bwingress container, as it's the applications' entry point.

Launch the docker ps command to check if the bwingress container is running or not.

You can see which containers it depends on in the /usr/local/brainwave/docker-compose.yml file, in the depends_on category:

    image: ${REGISTRY_URL}/bwingress:${VERSION_TAG:-latest}
      - internal
      - restricted
        condition: service_completed_successfully
    restart: unless-stopped

Launch the docker ps command to check if the bwauth-init container is running (probably not).
And we run the same steps again to find which containers are required for bwauth-init.

    image: ${REGISTRY_URL}/bwauth-init:${VERSION_TAG:-latest}
        condition: service_healthy
        condition: service_healthy
        condition: service_healthy
      - restricted
      - internal

Launch the docker ps command to find out which of those containers are down.
Now you can manually launch the containers from the bottom to the top.
For example: start with bwlogs, bwvault and bwauth, then bwauth-init and finally bwingress.

To do so, you will need to use the docker start command, followed by your container name.
The container name is the name of the project, followed by the container and -1.
For example: demo-bwlogs-1, and so docker start demo-bwlogs-1

This should allow you to start the applications, or find out why one of the containers does not start. For example:

docker start demo-bwingress-1
Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint demo-bwingress-1 (d00ec29ef4539015970ba0069b3ed7c072385b3d4ebe3baa6fea704d2ec4c218): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
Error: failed to start containers: demo-bwingress-1

Test a specific container

You might want to test a specific container without all the dependencies of docker compose.
To do so, try the following:

cd /usr/local/brainwave
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f server-mode-resources.yml up --no-deps <image>