

Red Hat installation

Before installing the solution it is necessary to configure the timezone of your instance, this command is to be executed as root:

timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Paris

Install Podman

To install podman please refer to podman's official documentation:


To install podman please run all the following commands as root:

dnf -y update
dnf -y install podman

To run the selfmanaged solution in RHEL using podman it is necessary to install docker compose The following commands should be installed as root.

curl -SL -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

To validate the installation of podman and docker compose run the following commands as the standard user (e.g. brainwave):

podman --version
docker-compose --version

When running podman as a non root user it is necessary to enable the service and the socket for desired user (e.g. brainwave):

systemctl enable --now --user podman podman.socket
systemctl --user status podman.socket

Red Hat 8 requirements

By default RHEL8 runs on croup-v1, however to run podman rootless in RHEL 8 it is necessary to set cgroups V2 as the default in the grub. Please execute the following commands as root (see here for more information):

grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=1"

Once the grub is updated it is necessary to reboot the service.

Once the grub is updated it is necessary to update the configuration of the controllers for the user running podman. The following commands should be updated to correspond to the UID of the owner of the podman socket and be executed as root.

mkdir /etc/systemd/system/user-<user UID>.slice.d
nano /etc/systemd/system/user-<user UID>.slice.d/controllers.conf

Paste the following in the previously created file:


Once all is updated it is necessary to reload the daemon as root:

systemctl daemon-reload

Podman requirements

Install the required package netavark as root:

dnf install netavark

The following configuration changes Podman are required for the service to run. The values are overwritten by the values present in the following files. Please adapt the path to correspond to the user running podman:

mkdir /home/<user>/.config/containers
nano /home/<user>/.config/containers/containers.conf

Copy the following the values into the newly created file:

log_driver = "journald"

network_backend = "netavark"

events_logger = "journald"

Once the podman configuration is update it is required to restart the podman socket by running the following command as the user (e.g. brainwave):

systemctl --user restart podman.socket

To validate the changes please check the following values:

podman info | grep event
podman info | grep backend

Port configuration

By default we bind to the standard ports 80 and 443. To do so, in the following file as root:

nano /etc/sysctl.conf

Add the following lines, to open the ports 80 and 443:


Environment variables

If not added please add the following parameters to your users ~/.bashrc file:

export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u)

Please remember to reload your bash profile:

source ~/.bashrc

Creating Users are Required Directories

When running the service in server mode it is necessary to create the following folders and change the rights on the folders. In the following commands it is assumed podman is run by the user brainwave. Please adapt all commands accordingly.

Create the following directories as root:

mkdir -p /var/log/brainwave
mkdir -p /var/lib/brainwave
mkdir -p /etc/brainwave
mkdir -p /usr/local/brainwave

Set the owner of the new directories:

chown -Rf brainwave:brainwave /var/log/brainwave
chown -Rf brainwave:brainwave /var/lib/brainwave
chown -Rf brainwave:brainwave /etc/brainwave
chown -Rf brainwave:brainwave /usr/local/brainwave

Set the permissions

chmod ug+rwx,o+rx -Rf /var/log/brainwave
chmod ug+rwx,o+rx -Rf /var/lib/brainwave
chmod ug+rwx,o+rx -Rf /etc/brainwave
chmod ug+rwx,o+rx -Rf /usr/local/brainwave

Folder ACLs

To allow the running of containers please insure that no ACls are positioned on the previously mentioned folder. Run the following commands as root.

getfacl /var/log/brainwave
getfacl /var/lib/brainwave
getfacl /etc/brainwave
getfacl /usr/local/brainwave

If ALCs are positioned it is possible to remove them using the following commands as root.

setfacl -Rm d:u::rwx,d:g::rwx,d⭕:r-x /var/log/brainwave
setfacl -Rm d:u::rwx,d:g::rwx,d⭕:r-x /var/lib/brainwave
setfacl -Rm d:u::rwx,d:g::rwx,d⭕:r-x /etc/brainwave
setfacl -Rm d:u::rwx,d:g::rwx,d⭕:r-x /usr/local/brainwave

Download and Install Brainwave CLI

Download the Identity Analytics tools binary and its corresponding sha256 file to verify the download, from Identity Analytics's Gitea repository You can also use the following direct link:

Verify the download:

echo "$(cat brainwave.sha256)  brainwave" | sha256sum --check

To Install the solution run the following commands as root. It is assumed that the user brainwave is running the podman socket.

mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
cp brainwave /usr/local/bin/brainwave
chown brainwave:brainwave /usr/local/bin/brainwave
chmod ug+x /usr/local/bin/brainwave

As root add the current user to the brainwave group

gpasswd -a $(whoami) brainwave

Brainwave Registry

It is necessary to log into the docker registry for Identity Analytics to be able to pull the desired images:

podman login


To install the solution in server mode please use the following command:

brainwave install --project-name brainwave --server
brainwave pull

Initial configuration

Before starting the services, set up the hostname

brainwave config --hostname brainwave.local

TLS configuration (Optional)

To activate tls

brainwave config --tls

Before starting the service it is necessary to copy the certificate and the private key into the certificates folder

cp brainwave.local.key /etc/brainwave/certificates/brainwave.local.key
cp brainwave.local.crt /etc/brainwave/certificates/brainwave.local.crt

Please refer to the following page for more information:

SSL configuration page

Starting the Services

brainwave start

Once installed navigate to the /config webpage to finalize the configuration. Please see here for more information.

Auto completion

An auto completion bash exists for linux environments. Add the following command line to your users bash profile:

source <(brainwave completion bash)