

Backup and Restore

The persistent data is stored using docker volumes. In server mode these volumes use bind mounts to store all files in pre-defined paths in the filesystem. Data includes configuration, encrypted credentials, tls certificates, logs and IGRC project.

The Identity Analytics tools CLI includes an option to backup and restore all the data contained in the volumes of a given instance.

All data contained in the volumes will be backed up to a single .tar file. For safety, this file must be stored in a different location. Using this single file the full instance can be restored.


All containers must be shutdown before running the backup and restore process. To do so run the following command:

brainwave stop

Wait until all services are properly stopped before trying to backup or restore.

Backup sequence

To backup the data within the docker volumes please run the following command:

brainwave backup create --output /path/to/output/dir

For more information on the use of the backup command line please type: brainwave backup create --help

The configured output directory is is the directory where the .tar will be created. The name of the file is generated automatically and it will include the full date and time information. For example: bwbackup_202212271307.tar.

Restore sequence

To restore the data run the following command:

brainwave backup restore --input /path/to/tar/bwbackup_XXXXX.tar

Post operations

To restart the service please run the following command:

brainwave start

This will bring all the services back up and running.