Microsoft IIS
Change the SSL Certificate
If no SSL certificate is present prior to installation, the CFS installer generates and installs a self-signed certificate in IIS to enable HTTPS. This certificate should be replaced at least prior to moving to production. If it is not replaced, a web browser warning message will be displayed when users try to access the CFS portal site because the certificate is not valid.
Server Certificates
First, we have to make sure we have a valid certificate to use in IIS Manager before to assign one to the CFS Website.
- Open IIS Manager, navigate to the server level and choose Server Certificates.
- The Auto-Generated certificate installed by CFS should be here.
- Depending on your company policies, you should use the right menu in order to generate or request a new certificate.
- Open IIS Manager and navigate to the Cfs Web Site.
- In the Action panel (right of the IIS Manager window), click "Bindings...".
- Select the https binding and click "Edit...".
- In the SSL Certificate drop-down list, select the certificate you want to use for CFS.
- Click OK to close the Edit Site Binding box.
- Click Close to validate the Site Bindings box.
High Availability
General Information
Since CFS is hosted in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS version 7.5 or higher), configuring High Availability for CFS is really about HA for IIS.
There are two main ways to configure HA for CFS. FID can be queried by multiple CFS instances, so load balancers are used to distribute the load between multiple CFS’s with identical configurations.
A load balancer can be used to distribute the load between multiple CFS instances, which each point to a FID.
You can also point CFS to an LDAP load balancer which will distribute queries between multiple replicated FID instances. These FID instances must be exact replicas of each other.
You could also do a hybrid of these two approaches, using two load balancers in front of the CFS machines and one in front of the FID machines.
Machine Key
In order to make many CFS servers to answer any client request, no matter where the previous requests come from. You must make sure the Machine Key of the IIS Web Application is the same on every machines.
- Install CFS Master on more than one server.
- On each server, open IIS Manager and navigate to the cfs Web Application.
- In Feature View, right-click Machine Key, and then click Open Feature.
- On the Machine Key page, select a validation method from the Validation method drop-down list. The default validation method is SHA1.
- Choose an encryption method from the Encryption method drop-down list. The default encryption method is Auto.
- On the first server, for both, Validation key and Decryption key, uncheck the options Automatically generate at runtime and Generate a unique key for each application. Copy both keys and apply them into the other CFS servers.
- In the Actions pane, click Generate Keys, and then click Apply.
Upgrade Guide
To upgrade to a newer version of CFS:
If upgrading to 3.16.0, be sure .NET Framework 4.8 is installed before performing the above steps.