


The naming and graphical representation of a set of objects participating in a synchronization process is known as a topology. The synchronization flow(s) in a topology are grouped and depicted as pipelines. A topology can consist of one or more synchronization pipelines. Pipelines are auto-generated when the topology is created. You cannot manually create your own pipelines.

An example of a topology with a single auto-generated pipeline is shown below:

An example of a topology with a single auto-generated pipeline

An example of a topology with multiple auto-generated pipelines is shown below:

An example of a topology with multiple auto-generated pipelines

Pipeline ID

The pipeline ID is required for a variety of scenarios. A few examples are shown below.


{RLI_HOME}/bin>vdsconfig dl-replay-sync-pipeline -pipelineid {PIPELINE_ID}

Replaying messages from a dead letter queue

{RLI_HOME}/bin>vdsconfig init-sync-pipeline -pipelineid {PIPELINE_ID}

Running an upload from command line


Locating connector logs associated with the pipeline

You can find the pipeline ID using the vdsconfig command line utility with the list-topologies command. The "pipelinesIdentifiers" property returns the pipeline ID. An example is shown below.

A terminal application and the execution of the "vdsconfig list-topologies" command with the subsequent output

You can find the pipeline ID from the Main Control Panel > Global Sync tab.

Select the topology and hover over the name property of the pipeline. An example is shown below.

A pipeline ID triggered by a hover


  • Pipeline ID