

Configuring External ZooKeeper Ensemble

For HA a minimum of three Zookeeper nodes is required.

An image showing

Figure 1: RadiantOne Cluster with External Zookeeper Ensemble

Configuring the First ZooKeeper Server

To configure the first ZooKeeper server:

  1. On the first node in the Zookeeper ensemble, extract the compressed Zookeeper installer.

    An image showing

    Figure 2: Extracting the Compressed Zookeeper File

  2. Open the extracted folder.

  3. Open the folder rli-zookeeper-external.

  4. Open the file in a text editor. In this example, the file is opened using Notepad++.

    An image showing

    Figure 3: Opening

  5. To attempt auto-resolution of the hostname, leave the value empty. In this example, this value is empty.

  6. To configure the ports used by Zookeeper, edit the values under # ZK ports. In this example, the default port values (2181, 2888, and 3888) remain unchanged.

  7. Under the “# Current ZK node ID (assign each node a unique incremental integer: 1,2,3,...)” line, append the line. As this is the first node in the cluster, enter a 1 so the line reads as follows.

  1. Enter values for the zk.peer parameters. The syntax for this parameter is as follows.

    zk.peer.2= hostname:<zk.client.port>:<zk.ensemble.port>:<zk.leaderelection.port>
    zk.peer.3= hostname:<zk.client.port>:<zk.ensemble.port>:<zk.leaderelection.port>

    In this example, these values are as follows: zk.peer.1=

  2. Save In this example, the file is configured as follows for the first node in the cluster:

    An image showing

    Figure 4: The File On the First Zookeeper Node

  3. In a Command Processor window, navigate to C:\rli-zookeeper-external.

  4. Run configure.bat. The configuration detects the additional nodes.

    An image showing

    Figure 5: Configuring Zookeeper

  5. In the command processor, navigate to C:\rli-zookeeper-external\bin.

  6. Run start_zookeeper.bat. Text similar to the following displays.

    An image showing

    Figure 6: Starting ZooKeeper

Configuring Additional ZooKeeper Nodes

Once the first Zookeeper node is configured, you are ready to configure additional nodes.

  1. On the second node in the cluster, perform the instructions in Configuring the First Zookeeper Server. The configured file on Zookeeper node #2 should resemble the following image.

    An image showing

    Figure 7: The File on the Second Zookeeper Node

  2. On the third node in the cluster, perform the instructions in Configuring the First Zookeeper Server. The configured file on Zookeeper node #3 should resemble the following image.

An image showing

Figure 8: The File on the Third Zookeeper Node