

Using the LDAP Browser

The following procedures describe how to:

Manage Directory Profiles

Modify directory contents

Configure Browser to Connect to LDAP Directories via SSL

Manage Directory Profiles

To view the directory through the LDAP Browser, a profile must be created.

Create a Profile

This stores the information needed to connect to the directory.

  1. Start the LDAP Browser from <RLI_HOME>/bin/LDAPBrowser.exe. On UNIX platforms use, $RLI_HOME/bin/

  2. Choose File > New.

  3. Enter the parameters needed to connect to the LDAP directory. This includes server name, port, user and password (if required), Base DN, and the name to save the file as. See Figure 1.

    This profile is stored in a .prof file and can be found in <RLI_HOME><instance_name>\ldif\profiles directory.

    An image showing the creating a new profile

Figure 1: New Profile

Create a Profile for RadiantOne

Make sure that the RadiantOne service’s LDAP port is running. You can start it from the Dashboard tab in the Main Control Panel. For more details on starting the RadiantOne service, please see the System Administration Guide.

The parameters needed to connect to the RadiantOne LDAP service are as follows:

  • Server – the name of the machine where RadiantOne is installed

  • Port – by default this is 2389

  • User/Password – not required if anonymous access is allowed to the RadiantOne service. Otherwise you can use cn=directory manager with the password you set during the RadiantOne install

  • Base DN – by default this is set to o=vds

  • Save Profile as – enter any name you choose

Open a Profile

Opens the LDAP Directory tree by loading the values from the selected profile file. The left pane displays the directory tree.

  1. Choose File -> Open/Connect.

  2. Select the profile and click Connect. See Figure 2.

An image showing the opening a profile

Figure 2: Open Profile

Edit a Profile

The loaded profile can be edited. The different parameters can be modified and the new values are automatically changed in the profile.

  1. Choose Modify > Profile > Edit.

  2. Enter new parameters and click Next.

Delete a Profile

The loaded profile can be deleted.

  1. Choose Modify Profile > Delete.
  2. Click Yes to confirm the deletion. See Figure 3.

An image showing deleting a profile

Figure 3: Delete Profile

Modify Directory Content

Adding Entries

  1. Right-click on the node above where you would like to add an entry and choose New Entry and choose the type of entry.
  1. Enter the information about the new entry. See Figure 4.

  2. Click OK when finished.

An image showing adding a new entry

Figure 4: Add New Entry

Deleting Entries

  1. Right-click on the entry to be deleted and choose Delete Entry.

  2. A confirmation box is displayed. Click Yes to proceed with the deletion (See Figure 5).

An image showing deleting an entry

Figure 5: Delete Entry

Modifying Entries

Updating Attributes

Attributes of the selected entry can be modified if the connected user has permissions to do so.

  1. Select the entry in the tree.

  2. On the right side, double-click on the attribute you have permission to change.

  3. Enter a new value and click OK. See Figure 6.

An image showing editing an attribute

Figure 6: Edit Attribute

If you want to add a value to a multi-valued attribute, right-click on the attribute and choose Add > Value. Provide a new value on the line provided.

An image showing adding a value for a multi-valued attribute

Figure 7: Adding a Value for a Multi-Valued Attribute

Only attributes that have values are displayed in the LDAP Browser. If you want to add a value for an attribute that does not yet have one, right-click on any of the existing attributes and choose Add > Attribute. Select the attribute you want to add from the drop-down list and provide a value.

Editing Binary Attributes

The LDAP Browser can be used to view, edit, and update binary attributes like photos, audio, and certificates.

If an attribute is binary, the value is displayed with BINARY as the value. Double-clicking on the attribute displays the binary editor.

You have the option to save the attribute (Save As), view, or insert a new value (Insert From). If it is an audio attribute, you have the option to play it.

An image showing viewing a binary photo attribute

Figure 8: Viewing a Binary Photo Attribute

Deleting Attributes

Attributes of the selected entry can be deleted if the connected user has permissions to do so.

  1. Select an entry on the left side.

  2. In the right pane, right-click on the attribute and choose Delete > Attribute.

  1. A confirmation box is displayed. Click Yes to proceed with the deletion. See Figure 9.

An image showing the LDAP Browser Interface

Figure 9: Delete Attribute

Refreshing the Tree

This feature allows for refreshing the tree under the selected entry. Use this function if the tree structure has changed but the changes are not visible.

Right-click on the branch that has changed, and choose Refresh.

Configure Browser to Connect to LDAP Directories via SSL

The LDAP Browser is a Java LDAP client. As such, you can use it to connect to LDAP directories over SSL. The LDAP directory server certificate needs to be imported into the cacerts database for the LDAP Browser (unless it is signed by a known Certificate Authority).

There are two methods that can be used: keytool or the Main Control Panel.

Using Keytool to Import the Certificate File

You must send the LDAP server certificate file to the client machine(s), which commutes via SSL with the directory server. The following command can be used to import the certificate into the keystore for the LDAP Browser:

>C:\radiantone\jdk\jre\bin>keytool -import -alias rli -keystore c:\radiantone\jdk\jre\lib\security\cacerts -file rli.cer

Using the Main Control Panel to Import the Certificate File

Since the RadiantOne service and the LDAP Browser share the same client certificate store by default, you can import the client certificates from the Main Control Panel.

  1. In the Main Control Panel > Settings > SSL. In the Manage Certificates section, click the Manage button next to Client Certificates.

  2. Click the Add Certificate button.

  3. Click Browse and navigate to the location of the saved LDAP server certificate. Select the certificate and click Open. The certificate file is displayed. Click OK.

  4. Click Add Certificate

  5. Enter a name for the certificate and click OK.

  6. Enter the Key Store password (which is changeit by default) and click OK.

  7. The server certificate name should appear in the list. Click OK to exit the Manage Client Certificates window. See Figure 10.

An image showing Managing client Certificates

Figure 10: Managing Client Certificates

After the LDAP server certificate has been imported, in the connection profile, set the SSL port and check the SSL option. See Figure 11.

An image showing connecting to the LDAP Server over SSL

Figure 11: Connecting to the LDAP Server over SSL

Create an LDIF File for Populating a Directory

Entire trees and single entries coming from real or virtual directories can be easily exported to an LDIF file, or directly inserted into another LDAP Directory Server.

LDIF Functions

The LDAP Browser supports a simplified version of the LDIF file format. For example, it does not support 'changetypes'. All binary attributes are Base64 encoded.

Export Options

There are two basic Export functions:

  • Export to an LDIF file

  • Export to an existing LDAP Directory Server

Export to LDIF

This function saves the selected entry or entries into an LDIF file.

  1. Right-click at the level that you want to export and choose Export > Export To LDIF (See Figure 12).

An image showing the Export Menu

Figure 12: Export Menu

  1. Enter the required information for the LDIF file. Depending on the scope option chosen, only the selected entry (one entry), the entries below this entry (one level), or the entire tree below this entry (sub tree) are exported to the LDIF file.

  2. Select to export all entries or specify a maximum number of entries to be exported. Enter a name for the file or accept the default.

  3. You can change the Target DN to whatever you need. In Figure 13, the Target DN has been set to ou=people,o=radiant.

An image showing configuring the LDIF file

Figure 13: Configuring the LDIF File

  1. Click OK when finished.

  2. Click Yes to start exporting.

  3. Click OK on the confirmation window.

The file that is generated is stored in the directory <RLI_HOME>\vds_server\ldif. This LDIF file is now available for importing into an existing LDAP directory server.

Export to LDAP

The entries under the selected DN can be exported to an existing LDAP directory using Export to LDAP.

  1. Verify that a profile has been created for the destination LDAP directory (see Creating Profiles for more information).

  2. Right-click on the branch/entry that needs to be exported and choose Export > Export to LDAP. See Figure 14.

An image showing the tree to be exported to the LDAP directory

Figure 14: The Tree to be Exported to the LDAP Directory is Selected

  1. Select the profile (.prof file) containing the destination LDAP directory.

  2. Select the tree path where the branch to be exported should be created under.

  3. Click Connect. The Select the Tree Path is displayed. See Figure 15.

An image showing the destination directory with the appropriate branch selected

Figure 15: The Destination Directory with the Appropriate Branch Selected

  1. Enter necessary information for the export and click OK. Click OK to close the window confirming the import into the destination directory.