Global Synchronization
The components described in this section are applicable to RadiantOne Global Synchronization module. The high-level diagram below depicts the components involved.
Figure 1: Global Sync Architecture
If the virtual view of the source is configured in persistent cache, the default HDAP trigger method is used to detect and publish the change (detailed in 1b in the diagram). If the virtual view of the source is not configured in persistent cache, the capture connector detects changes directly on the source. In this case, the agent manages the connector (detailed in 1a in the diagram).
The Agent manages the capture connectors. The agent log file is located at: <RLI_HOME>\logs\sync_agents\agent_fid_sd_agent_real_time.log on the RadiantOne node where the sync agent is running. Run <RLI_HOME>/bin/monitoring.bat (.sh on Linux) -d pipeline to locate your sync process and the value of the “captureHostname” propertyId value indicates the machine where the connector.log is located. An example is shown below.
Figure 2: The agent log file
This log file provides details about the state of capture connectors (e.g. started). An example of the kind of message you can find in this log:
2021-12-14T08:26:22,853 INFO com.rli.cragents.orchestrator.client.e:80 - [SyncWorker-agent_W-RLI21-LGRADY_fid_sd_agent__real_time_PID_2472] Connector started for o_activedirectory_sync_ou_testing_o_companydirectory_pipeline_o_activedirectory.
The log level is controlled by the setting in Main Control Panel -> Settings tab -> Logs -> Log Settings. Select the Sync Agents – Agents option.
Figure 3: Sync Agents Log Settings
Capture connectors log activity to: <RLI_HOME>\logs\sync_agents<pipelineId>\connector.log on the RadiantOne node where the sync agent is running. Run <RLI_HOME>/bin/monitoring.bat (.sh on Linux) -d pipeline to locate your sync process and the value of the “captureHostname” propertyId value indicates the machine where the connector.log is located. An example is shown below.
Figure 4: Capture Connector Log Example
The log level is defined per connector with the setting in Main Control Panel > Global Sync tab.
Select the topology and click Configure next to the relevant pipeline.
Click the Capture component and expand the Advanced Properties section.
Figure 5: Capture Connector Properties
Locate the Log Level property and select the level from the drop-down list.
Figure 6: Connector Log Level
Click Save.
Sync Engine (Transformation and Apply)
The Sync Engine processes the transformations and sends the changes to the destination. These activities are logged in: <RLI_HOME>\vds_server\logs\sync_engine\sync_engine.log on the RadiantOne node where the sync engine processor that is assigned for the pipeline is running. If RadiantOne is deployed in a cluster, a sync engine processor can be running on one or more nodes and the pipeline processing is distributed across them. Check for the <RLI_HOME>\vds_server\logs\sync_engine\sync_engine.log on each cluster node to find the correct log file. Or you can use the Main Control Panel -> Global Sync tab to download the corresponding sync_engine.log file by selecting the topology and clicking Configure next to the pipeline. Select the Apply component and in the Log Viewer section, click the Download button.
An example of transformation and apply activities that you can find in this log are shown below. Important information is highlighted in red.
`2021-12-14T09:38:27,954 INFO com.rli.cragents.queue.b:331 - HDAP@[Queue o_activedirectory_sync_ou_testing_o_companydirectory_pipeline_o_activedirectory] Polled 1 new events from queue
2021-12-14T09:38:27,954 INFO com.rli.cragents.refresh.EventsProcessor:374 - [EventsProcessor-Sync - sync pipeline - o_activedirectory_sync_ou_testing_o_companydirectory_pipeline_o_activedirectory] Starting sync session o_activedirectory_sync_ou_testing_o_companydirectory_pipeline_o_activedirectory1639503507954 for processing batch of 1 events...
2021-12-14T09:38:27,955 INFO com.rli.cragents.refresh.EventsProcessor:215 - [EventsProcessor-Sync - sync pipeline - o_activedirectory_sync_ou_testing_o_companydirectory_pipeline_o_activedirectory] [SessionId=o_activedirectory_sync_ou_testing_o_companydirectory_pipeline_o_activedirectory1639503507954, SequenceId=11] Processing sync event SyncEvent:{ChangeEvent [eventType:INSERT,connectorCursor:[2302571] : [seq: 0] : [deletedCursor: 2302520],EventID:CN=Allie Baba,CN=Users,DC=seradiant,DC=dom,messageAttributes:[Attributes = accountexpires:[9223372036854775807], badpasswordtime:[0], badpwdcount:[0], cn:[Allie Baba], codepage:[0], countrycode:[0], displayname:[Allie Baba], distinguishedname:[CN=Allie Baba,CN=Users,DC=seradiant,DC=dom], dscorepropagationdata:[16010101000000.0Z], givenname:[Allie], instancetype:[4], lastlogoff:[0], lastlogon:[0], logoncount:[0], name:[Allie Baba], objectcategory:[CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=seradiant,DC=dom], objectclass:[top, person, organizationalPerson, user], objectguid:[f1ede72292706942831dc451bdb22198], objectsid:[{base64binary}AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAA8bKdBjJRDGMRc5FC5v0DAA==], primarygroupid:[513], pwdlastset:[132839771030547655], samaccountname:[ababa], samaccounttype:[805306368], sn:[Baba], useraccountcontrol:[66048], userprincipalname:[[email protected]], usnchanged:[2302571], usncreated:[2302566], whenchanged:[20211214173823.0Z], whencreated:[20211214173823.0Z] ],patchOperations:[ ] ], Message sequence=11 - body=Message body=[eventId=CN=Allie Baba,CN=Users,DC=seradiant,DC=dom, creatorsName=cn=Directory Manager, connectorNameId=o_activedirectory_sync_ou_testing_o_companydirectory_pipeline_o_activedirectory, eventType=INSERT, objectclass=[top, queueMessage, ], connectorCursor=..., modifyTimestamp=20211214173827.951Z, createTimestamp=20211214173827.951Z, sequence=11, messageAttributes=..., changeMode=DEFAULT, modifiersName=cn=Directory Manager, entrydn=..., timestampms=1639503507951, ]}
2021-12-14T09:38:27,956 INFO com.rli.cragents.refresh.h:270 - [o_activedirectory_sync_ou_testing_o_companydirectory_pipeline_o_activedirectory FidApplyChangeEvent processEntry ] Processing dn:uid=ababa,ou=Testing,o=companydirectory
2021-12-14T09:38:27,956 INFO com.rli.cragents.refresh.h:271 - [o_activedirectory_sync_ou_testing_o_companydirectory_pipeline_o_activedirectory FidApplyChangeEvent processEntry] Processing changeEvent:ChangeEvent [eventType:INSERT ,changeMode:ADAPTIVE,connectorCursor:[null],EventID:uid=ababa,ou=Testing,o=companydirectory,messageAttributes:[Attributes = cn:[Allie Baba], givenName:[Allie], objectclass:[inetOrgPerson], sn:[Baba], uid:[ababa] ],patchOperations:[ ] ]
2021-12-14T09:38:27,961 INFO com.rli.cragents.refresh.h:431 - [o_activedirectory_sync_ou_testing_o_companydirectory_pipeline_o_activedirectory FidApplyChangeEvent insertChangeEvent] Inserted ldapEntry:uid=ababa,ou=Testing,o=companydirectory
2021-12-14T09:38:27,962 INFO com.rli.cragents.refresh.EventsProcessor:259 - [EventsProcessor-Sync - sync pipeline - o_activedirectory_sync_ou_testing_o_companydirectory_pipeline_o_activedirectory] [SessionId=o_activedirectory_sync_ou_testing_o_companydirectory_pipeline_o_activedirectory1639503507954, SequenceId=11] Done processing sync event.
2021-12-14T09:38:27,962 INFO com.rli.cragents.refresh.EventsProcessor:329 - [EventsProcessor-Sync - sync pipeline - o_activedirectory_sync_ou_testing_o_companydirectory_pipeline_o_activedirectory] Done processing batch of 1 events in 8 ms `