

Control Panels and Configuration Tools

Control Panel

A Jetty web server hosts the Main and Server Control Panels. There are two log files applicable to this component. The Server Log contains internal server activities and is generated the first time each day that Jetty is started. The Access Log contains the save operations performed by administrators.

Server Log

The log file is web.log.

This file rolls over when it reaches 100M in size and 5 files are archived. These settings are configured from the Main Control Panel > Settings tab > Logs > Log Settings section. Select Control Panel – Server from the Log Settings to Configure drop-down list. Define the log level, rollover size and number of files to keep archived.

An image showing

Figure 1: Main Control Panel Server Log Settings

Web.log can be viewed and downloaded from Server Control Panel > Log Viewer.

Access Log

The Control Panel access log file contains the save operations performed by administrators. When any user that is a member of the delegated administration groups saves changes in the Main or Server Control Panels, this activity is logged into the web_access log. This is a CSV formatted log file with the delimiter being . These settings are configured from the Main Control Panel > Settings tab > Logs > Log Settings section. Select Control Panel – Access from the Log Settings to Configure drop-down list. Define the log level, rollover size and number of files to keep archived.

An image showing

Figure 2: Main Control Panel Access Log Settings

Web_access.log file can be viewed and downloaded from Server Control Panel > Log Viewer.


  • Control Panel
  • Server Log
  • Access Log