Enable Metrics and Logging
RadiantLogic provides log files in your pod by default in case you need them for troubleshooting purposes. You can navigate to them by searching for ".log" files in the radiantone directory.
This document shows you how to programmatically forward and process these log files in your existing monitoring and analyzing software.
To deploy Identity Data Management with metrics collection and logging, you will need to update your existing values.yaml
file. This file allows you to customize the configuration settings that pertain to your cloud environment.
If you are an existing Prometheus customer or would like to use Prometheus, ensure that you are using Prometheus (version 15.13.0 or higher) for metrics collection. Optionally, you may also use Grafana (version 6.40.0 or higher) for dashboard visualization.
If you use any of the following tools in your environment for logging, ensure that they meet the version requirements listed below:
- ElasticSearch (version 7.17.3 or higher) for log aggregation.
- Kibana (version 7.17.3 or higher) for log analysis.
Note that these tools are not provided by Radiant Logic's Identity Data Management offering and are managed by your organization.
Configure the following parameters
metrics: Using this object setting, you can enable metrics to be collected in your Prometheus instance. Set the values as described below for the properties related to this object:
metrics.enabled: Set the value of this property to
. -
metrics.image: This refers to the Docker image used for the metrics exporter. Set the value of this property to "radiantone/fid-exporter".
metrics.imageTag: This refers to the version tag of the Docker image. Set the latest version of the container as the value of this property.
metrics.securityContext.runAsUser: This configures the security context for the metrics container. Set the value of this property as 0.
metrics.annotations: This allows you to add Kubernetes annotations to the metrics pods.
metrics.pushmode: By default, the value of this field is
. This enables pull mode for Prometheus. After the deployment, you will automatically see metrics being pulled in your installed Prometheus instance. If you decide to use pushmode, set the value to "true" and ensure that Prometheus pushGateway is deployed and a URL for the gatway is available. -
metrics.pushGateway: You do not need to provide a value for this field unless you have an existing gateway and want to enable “push mode”.
metrics.livenessProbe: This configures the liveness probe for the metrics container.
metrics.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds: This indicates the number of seconds to wait before performing the first liveness probe.
metrics.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds: This indicates the number of seconds after which the probe times out.
metrics.readinessProbe: This configures the readiness probe for the metrics container.
metrics.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds: This indicates the number of seconds to wait before performing the first liveness probe.
metrics.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds: This indicates the number of seconds after which the probe times out.
metrics.fluentd.enabled: Set the value to
to enable log collection in Fluentd. -
metrics.fluentd.aggregators: Identity Data Management supports multiple log aggregation platforms, including Elasticsearch, OpenSearch, and Splunk. You can configure one or more aggregators depending on your usecase. Provide accurate values for
, and authentication details to ensure proper log forwarding.
Example configuration
Here is an example configuration of metrics, logs, and aggregators in the values.yaml
enabled: true
image: radiantone/fid-exporter
imageTag: latest
runAsUser: 0
prometheus.io/scrape: "true"
prometheus.io/port: "9091"
pushMode: false
pushGateway: ""
pushMetricCron: "* * * * *"
initialDelaySeconds: 60
timeoutSeconds: 5
initialDelaySeconds: 120
timeoutSeconds: 5
enabled: true
configFile: /fluentd/etc/fluent.conf
enabled: true
enabled: true
#Optionally, use the parse property to parse the log in a specified format.
parse: |-
@type tsv
types LOGID:integer,LOGDATE:string,LOGTIME:string,LOGTYPE:integer,SERVERID:string,SERVERPORT:integer,SESSIONID:integer,MSGID:integer,CLIENTIP:string,BINDDN:string,BINDUSER:string,CONNNB:integer,OPNB:integer,OPCODE:integer,OPNAME:string,BASEDN:string,ATTRIBUTES:string,SCOPE:string,FILTER:string,SIZELIMIT:integer,TIMELIMIT:integer,LDAPCONTROLS:string,CHANGES:string,RESULTCODE:integer,ERRORMESSAGE:string,MATCHEDDN:string,NBENTRIES:integer,ETIME:integer
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
- type: "elasticsearch" # This sets Elasticsearch as the log aggregator.
host: "elasticsearch-master"
port: "9200"
# Uncomment and configure additional aggregators as needed
# - type: "opensearch"
# host: "opensearch-cluster-master"
# port: "9200"
# user: "admin"
# password: "admin"
# - type: "splunk_hec"
# hec_host: "splunk-s1-standalone-service.splunk-operator.svc.cluster.local"
# hec_port: "8088"
# hec_token: ""
Adjust the configuration based on your specific requirements and infrastructure setup, and redeploy the chart.